2014 Clean Official Boarding Decisions and Applicant Stats/Extracurriculars

<p><em>Modified for 2014</em>
<em>Read the entire post first!</em>
Original credit goes to TomTheCat, iAmMe77, and Silverstag</p>

<p>Post nothing but your filled-in table. No extra banter, no nothing. Just your stats. This is for the good of all of us but mostly for CC's crowd next year.</p>

<p>To find your WEIGHTED and UNWEIGHTED GPA, Google GPA Calculator or just put your GPA in the 100 scale</p>

<p>Remember, to make the code below work, you must delete the spaces within the brackets. Otherwise it will just appear as it does immediately below.</p>

<p>Make sure to PREVIEW YOUR POSTS to make sure your code works!</p>

<p>[ color=green][ b] Accepted:[ /b][ /color]
[ color=red][ b] Rejected:[ /b][ /color]
[ color=blue][ b]Wait listed:[ /b][ /color]
[ color=gold][ b]Likely Attending:[ /b][ /color]</p>

<p>[ b]Stats:[ /b][ list]
[ *] GPA Unweighted/Weighted:
[ *] Rank:
[ *] Other stats:
[ /list][ b]Subjective:[ /b][ list]
[ *] Interviews: **In this section describe each interview.
[ *] Essays:
[ *] Math Rec:
[ *] English Rec:
[ *] Personal/Extracurricular Rec:
[ *] Principal/Counselor Rec:
[ *] Sports (if any):
[ *] Instruments (if any):
[ *] Other ECs (if any):
[ *] Hook:
[ /list][ b]Location/Person:[ /b][ list]
[ *] State or Country:
[ *] Current School Type:
[ *] Ethnicity:
[ *] Gender:
[ *] Grade Applying For:
[ *] Age:
[ *]Financial Aid/Full Pay:
[ /list][ b]Strengths:[ /b]
[ b]Weaknesses:[ /b]
[ b]Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?:[ /b]
[ b]General Comments:[ /b]</p>

<p><em>Here is an example of one student(keep in mind this is not an actual applicant)</em></p>

<p>Accepted: Exeter and Andover
** Rejected: St. Paul’s and Groton**
Wait listed: Hotchkiss, Deerfield, and Choate
Likely Attending: Exeter</p>

[<em>] SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: SSAT 67th percentile
[</em>] GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 4.0UW-4.5W
[<em>] Rank: 5 out of 500
[</em>] Other stats: None
[<em>] Interviews: My Exeter interview was amazing. Andover was good but we did not really connect. I thought my St. Paul's interview was the best but I guess not. Groton was terrible. Deerfield interviewer told me I would probably get wait listed. Choate interview was quick and boring. Hotchkiss was fun and long, but not my best.
[</em>] Essays: Some of the best essays I have ever written. They really brought out my passions and I had many people proofread them.
[<em>] Math Rec: Probably amazing. I am his outspoken favorite student by far.
[</em>] English Rec: Due to the fact that my teacher hates me, they probably were not as good as they could have been.
[<em>] Personal/Extracurricular Rec: Did not submit.
[</em>] Principal/Counselor Rec: Don’t really know her, but I’m sure they were good.
[<em>] Sports (if any): Lacrosse, Swimming
[</em>] Instruments (if any): Bagpipes
[<em>] Other ECs (if any): 500+ hours community service
[</em>] Hook (if any): URM, 10th generation legacy, lacrosse superstar
[<em>] State or Country: Sri Lanka
[</em>] Current School Type: Large Public
[<em>] Ethnicity: White
[</em>] Gender: Male
[<em>] Grade Applying For: 9th (I’m deciding to skip 8th)
[</em>] Age: 12
[li]Financial Aid/Full Pay: Full Financial Aid[/li][/ul]Strengths: To lazy to answer this
Weaknesses: ^^^^
Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?: I don't know I'm still in shock.
General Comments: I was surprised with my E/A acceptances but I really wanted to go to Groton ([color=red]Please do not emote arrogance in this section[/color=red])</p>



<p>** Add your results to @stargirl3 ’s spreadsheet ** tinyurl.com/ccprepschooldecisions2014 </p>


<p>Please wait to post your results after you have received all of your decisions (yes that means Andover people cannot post until after 5PM)</p>

Probably a good idea to read this thread:
<a href=“The Wait List - Prep School Admissions - College Confidential Forums”>http://talk.qa.collegeconfidential.com/prep-school-admissions/1300302-the-wait-list-p1.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>** Accepted: Baylor School **
** Rejected: None **
** Wait listed: None **
** Likely Attending: Baylor School assuming I get off of the FA wait list. **</p>

[<em>] SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: ISEE scores of 7, 8, 8, and 9
[</em>] GPA Unweighted/Weighted: We don’t have GPA at my school but straight 100s.
[<em>] Rank: No rank but more than likely top 5/430
[</em>] Other stats:
[<em>] Interviews: In this section describe each interview. I had a really good interview at Baylor! I connected with the interviewer, and she continued to contact me after the interview.
[</em>] Essays: I didn’t have to write an essay at this school.
[<em>] Math Rec: I’m sure it was amazing. My math teacher loves me.
[</em>] English Rec: Good, I think. My English teacher loves me as well.
[<em>] Personal/Extracurricular Rec: I know it was amazing! It was written by the mom of my best friend since preschool.
[</em>] Principal/Counselor Rec: Pretty good, I think. My guidance counselor seems to really like me.
[<em>] Sports (if any): Soccer for 9 years, but I was never captain or anything.
[</em>] Instruments (if any): Piano for 3 years
[<em>] Other ECs (if any): President and founder of the Creative Writing Club, Art Club, Colt Corral Club, Beta Club, lead in a school play, principal in a school musical, and I work at a dinner theater.
[</em>] Hook: President and founder of the Creative Writing Club, and I work/act at a dinner theater, if these count.
[<em>] State or Country: Tennessee
[</em>] Current School Type: Large public school (1300 students in 6-8 grades)
[<em>] Ethnicity: Caucasian
[</em>] Gender: Female
[<em>] Grade Applying For: 9th
[</em>] Age: 13
[li] Financial Aid/Full Pay: Needing full financial aid.[/li] [/ul]Strengths: Not sure what to put here, but academics and ECs, if that’s the kind of thing I’m supposed to.
Weaknesses: I had almost no community service.
Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?: Overall I had a pretty great application, I think. I made sure the AOs knew I would attend Baylor assuming I got FA. I didn’t get FA, but something might come available. I made sure to stress the fact that I was in a highly selective class for leadership, so that helped.
General Comments: I just hope I get off of the FA wait list so I can attend.</p>


<p>Accepted: Kent, Kimball Union Academy
Waitlisted: Taft, Pomfret
Applied: Exeter</p>

<p>SSAT score: 79%
GPA: 4.0 unweighted
Rank: ? out of 112
Interviews: Pomfret was first and very short, great long interviews with all the rest, had lots of experience by the last one
Essays: Writing is not my best subject – spelling, grammar and punctuation, but very creative
Great recommendations from Math, English, and Dance teachers, also Church counselor
Don’t know about Principal/Counselor Rec, didn’t get a copy
Sports – 8 yrs ballet, 7 yrs dance, 2 yrs volleyball, outside school: equestrian, golf, tennis, skier
don’t play any instruments
Other extracurriculars: photography
State, Country: Colorado, USA
Current school: Public
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Gender: Female
Grade: Going into 9th
Full Financial Aid</p>

<p>Really hoping to get into Exeter, will be happy to go to Kent or KUA</p>


<p>** Accepted: Exeter and Loomis**
** Rejected: None**
Wait listed: St. Paul’s
Likely Attending: Exeter</p>

[<em>] SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: 86th percentile
[</em>] GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 92/95
[<em>] Rank: School doesn’t rank
[</em>] Other stats:
[<em>] Interviews: All three of my interviews were great! I thought that my St. Paul’s one was the best and my Exeter one was the longest (over an hour). Loomis was really good as well but quite brief.
[</em>] Essays: My essays were some of the best that I have ever written. I think that my Exeter ones really displayed my love for learning and love to empower people with knowledge.
[<em>] Math Rec: Math is my best class and I have one of the highest grades in the class, so I think they were really good.
[</em>] English Rec: English is my second best class but my teacher loves me so I know that this one was great.
[<em>] Personal/Extracurricular Rec: Probably good, but not fantastic.
[</em>] Principal/Counselor Rec: My principal is new this year so I have no idea how this one turned out.
[<em>] Sports (if any): Track and Field, Cross Country, and will try Squash
[</em>] Instruments (if any): Saxophone
[<em>] Other ECs (if any): Debate, tutor
[</em>] Hook: URM, Under-represented state, legacy at Exeter
[<em>] State or Country: A state in the south
[</em>] Current School Type: Private
[<em>] Ethnicity: Black
[</em>] Gender: Male
[<em>] Grade Applying For: 10th
[</em>] Age: 14
[li]Financial Aid/Full Pay: Applied for financial aid, didn’t get any, but hopefully will get some.[/li][/ul]Strengths: I had a really strong application all around but my essays, recommendations, and interviews were my strengths.
Weaknesses: My weaknesses would be my SSAT score and my grades (low grade in biology).
Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?: I think I was accepted because I had really good interviews and I was wait listed at SPS because they thought that I would pick Exeter.
General Comments: I really hope that some financial aid comes through because it would be a dream to attend Exeter. </p>

<p>Accepted: Exeter, Loomis, Taft, Cate School, Hockaday, Lake Forest Academy
Rejected: Hotchkiss
Wait listed: St. Paul’s
Likely Attending: Exeter or Loomis, maybe Cate, and Andover for sure if I get in</p>

SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: 86th percentile
GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 3.8
Rank: School doesn’t rank
Other stats: tbh academics aren’t my strong point</p>

Interviews: Most of them went incredibly great! The lady from Loomis said she’d accept me right on the spot if it weren’t for the process that my application had to go through. Others seemed very interested by the time we ended the conversation. (also I did Skype this year so idk)
Essays: Tbh I don’t think it was my best, but hey I guess a few of the schools liked it. I don’t know remember the topics.
Math Rec: Ehh idk probably okay
English Rec: I think this one was probably very good. My English teacher seems to really like me.
Principal/Counselor Rec: Counselor was kind of mad that I gave it to her a bit late, but she likes me I think so it’s okay
Sports (if any): Track and Field (Shot put is my focus), Volleyball
Instruments (if any): Violin, Guitar, Voice
Other ECs (if any): Choir, Social Justice Club (Diversity), Gay-Straight Alliance, Build On (Community service)
Hook: URM, From the midwest, Choir is internationally acclaimed and has toured around the world, passion is diversity</p>

State or Country: Michigan
Current School Type: Public (though number one public state)
Ethnicity: Black
Gender: Female
Grade Applying For: 10th
Age: 14
Financial Aid/Full Pay: lots of FA (though wont give specifics)
Strengths: Um, the fact that I have a passion (diversity), which is something some people don’t have yet, good interviewing skills
Weaknesses: a little too well rounded, SSAT score, math
Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?: I think a lot of the schools knew me better (the ones a reapplied to), I was a lot more confident, less stressed, and more comfortable talking about myself. For the ones I got waitlisted and rejected from, I guess I just didn’t form a stronger bong with the school.
General Comments: After all no’s last year being accepted into six schools is honestly amazing and i want any of you who see this and got declined at a lot of schools to have hope and try again next year I swear it’s worth it.</p>

<p>also sorry for not using the cool format that was given it wasn’t working for me</p>

<p>** Accepted:**
** Rejected: Middlesex **
[color=blue]**Wait listed:[ /b][ /color]
[color=gold]**Likely Attending:[ /b][ /color]</p>

[</em>] GPA Unweighted/Weighted: ?
[<em>] Rank: n/a
[</em>] Other stats:
[<em>] Interviews: Interview at MX was amazing. It was comfortable, easy, and flowed well. I did not stumble on vocabulary but I probably had okay eye contact. Overall it was a great interview.
[</em>] Essays: Very strong, well written essay.
[<em>] Math Rec: Probably amazing, my math teacher loves me
[</em>] English Rec: I know amazing.
[<em>] Personal/Extracurricular Rec: 6th grade English teacher wrote me a beautifully written recommendation, focusing on my love for writing. A board of trustee member wrote me a letter as well.
[</em>] Principal/Counselor Rec: I’m not sure, but I bet it was good.
[<em>] Sports (if any): Volleyball, Crew (training), Lacrosse
[</em>] Instruments (if any): Guitar
[<em>] Other ECs (if any): Chorus, Community Service Club
[</em>] Hook: Love for writing, rec from Trustee member.
[<em>] State or Country: Maryland
[</em>] Current School Type: All-Girls Private
[<em>] Ethnicity: White
[</em>] Gender: Female
[<em>] Grade Applying For: 9
[</em>] Age: 14
[li]Financial Aid/Full Pay: Full Pay[/li][/ul]Strengths: History, English and Spanish
Weaknesses: Science and depends on Math
Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?: My grades weren’t amazing, 87% average. My SSAT scores stink, but I mentioned that I do not test well.
General Comments: I wish everyone the best!</p>

<p>** Accepted: Pomfret, Holderness, Cheshire, Ashbury, Ridley **
** Rejected: None **
**Wait listed: Millbrook **
Likely Attending: Pomfret</p>

[<em>]SSAT: 2058, 56% percentile
[</em>]GPA: NA
[<em>]Rank: NA
[</em>]Other Stats: NA</p>

[<em>]Interviews: They were through Skype and I honestly thought they were all amazing. Although the Ridley one lasted for 11 minutes.
[</em>]Essays: I thought they were really good as well. But on the Millbrook one, I messed up and accidentally copied and pasted the paragraph in the wrong area. I later then messaged the admission officer but I don’t think they made any corrections to the file.
[<em>]Math/English Rec: They wanted me to get in, but I don’t know how it was
[</em>]Personal/Extracurricular Rec: Had a music one for Millbrook, the teacher’s
[<em>]English wasn’t great though
[</em>]Counselor Rec: He knows me on a more personal level
[<em>]Sports: Varsity Soccer (4 years), Varsity Volleyball (1 year), Private Lessons/Recreational: cheerleading, field hockey, tennis, swimming, badminton, baseball (1-2 years)
[</em>]Instruments: All Percussion Intruments (5 years, first chair), Piano (7 years), Guitar (1 year), in concert band and self-created band
[<em>]Other ECs: Model UN (4 international conferences in 2 years), 200+ hours of community service, student government (4 years), photography (2 years), yearbook (2 years), etc. (co-founder of fundraising club, newspaper, choir…)
[</em>]Hook: Under-represented Asian country</p>

[<em>]Country: Under-represented Asian country
[</em>]Current School: International, Private
[<em>]Ethnicity: Asian
[</em>]Gender: Female
[<em>]Grade applying for: 10th
[</em>]Age: 15 in April
[li]Full pay</p>[/li]
<p>[/ul]Strenghts: Lots of extra-curriculars, and great interviews and essays
Weakness: My grades in school are mostly B and C, with an occasional A in my favorite subjects
**Waitlisted:**In Millbrook I think because I didn’t spend as much time revising the essays, and it was the first Skype interview I had - therefore it made me nervous
**General comments:**Last year I applied to top-tier schools including: Choate, Loomis, Milton and Hill and got rejected to all. This year I tried again and applied as a tenth grader to all the schools, except Holderness which I applied for as a ninth grader. Last year was a great experience for me and my SSAT scores improved from the high 1900s to the low 2000s, which isn’t a significant improvement, but still improvement. My dream school last year was Loomis Chaffee, and still is. I deeply regret now not re-applying to that school. </p>

<p>** Accepted: Lawrenceville, Peddie**
** Rejected:**
Wait listed: Taft
Likely Attending: Unsure (it depends on revisit days)</p>

[<em>] SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: Low-mid 80’s (unsure exact, but math was in the 70’s)
[</em>] GPA Unweighted/Weighted: Unweighted- 3.8 Weighted- 4.1
[<em>] Rank: N/A
[</em>] Other stats: I had a couple B’s? Mostly A’s though?
[<em>] Interviews: They were really, really good. Taft was probably the worst, but I thankfully am really good at interviews so they were all really good. (This is probably one of my strongest areas).
[</em>] Essays: These were also really good, though my L’ville one was rushed a bit. I’m a writer though, so they were good.
[<em>] Math Rec: Decent, I’m sure. Math isn’t my strong suit but I had an A- when it was written.
[</em>] English Rec: Really good. I’m an English chick so
[<em>] Personal/Extracurricular Rec: Didn’t do one
[</em>] Principal/Counselor Rec: Probably pretty good
[<em>] Sports (if any): None
[</em>] Instruments (if any): None
[<em>] Other ECs (if any): I volunteer a lot outside of school, do a lot of clubs, and have attempted a few novels
[</em>] Hook: I don’t think I have one
[<em>] State or Country: New England, USA
[</em>] Current School Type: Public
[<em>] Ethnicity: White
[</em>] Gender: Female
[<em>] Grade Applying For: 10
[</em>] Age: 14
[li]Financial Aid/Full Pay: Full pay[/li][/ul]Strengths: Academics (English, Biology), clubs, community service
Weaknesses: No sports, no instruments
Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?: I’m a decently charismatic person. My interviewers were impressed, I think. I’m not the strongest applicant, since I don’t do sports or instruments, but I feel like my personality was the reason I was accepted. My grades are pretty good but my SSAT was lacking. I was probably wait listed at Taft due to my lack of sports/instruments.
General Comments: I honestly don’t know how I was accepted. I’ve seen some stellar stats on here, and some of those people were wait listed. I guess all I can say is that your interviews are worth way way way more than you think. I have a feeling that’s one of the main reasons I got accepted to L’ville.</p>

<p>** Accepted: Exeter**
** Rejected: None**
Wait listed: None
**Likely Attending: Exeter **</p>

[</em>] GPA Unweighted/Weighted: NA
[<em>] Rank: NA
[</em>] Other stats: NA
[<em>] Interviews: In my interview, the man told me about his experience at Exeter and was impressed with my posture and friendly disposition. He wanted to know about capsule endoscopy, and it was a fun and relaxing conversation. It’s important to be dedicated in one field. Firm handshakes are extremely important!
[</em>] Essays: One of mine was on how I taught myself capsule endoscopy. The other one was about my passion for dance.
[<em>] Math Rec: I don’t know what she wrote, but I think she gave me a good evaluation.
[</em>] English Rec: She said she out a lot of good things in mine recommendation.
[<em>] Personal/Extracurricular Rec: My dance instructor gave me a good recommendation.
[</em>] Principal/Counselor Rec: I’m not sure…
[<em>] Sports (if any): None
[</em>] Instruments (if any): None
[<em>] Other ECs (if any): Dance 20 hours a week!
[</em>] Hook: I am invited to and attend international pediatric and GI conferences. I also dance a LOT.
[<em>] State or Country: California
[</em>] Current School Type: Public
[<em>] Ethnicity: Asian
[</em>] Gender: Female
[<em>] Grade Applying For: 9
[</em>] Age: 13
[li]Financial Aid/Full Pay: Full pay[/li][/ul]Strengths: hardworking, dedicated
Weaknesses: too much self pressure
Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?: The interview seemed like the main thing that I was accepted on. My ISEE scores weren’t at the top and I’m better at presenting myself in person than in writing.<br>
General Comments: Mr. Gary (director of admissions) was extremely nice! Try to connect yourself and make sure people remember who you are. </p>

<p>** Accepted:** Portsmouth Abbey School, The Gunnery
** Rejected:** St Pauls School
Wait listed: Middlesex, Groton, Deerfield, Choate
Likely Attending: Portsmouth (maybe Deerfield if i get in)</p>

[<em>] SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: SSATs are low 80s and high 70s, PSATs are extremely high ( can’t remember exactly)
[</em>] GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 3.86/4.2
[<em>] Rank: N/A
[</em>] Other stats:
[<em>] Interviews: My Interview at my accepted schools were fantastic! At Deerfield, I had an alumni interview and I could tell that he enjoyed talking to me and told me that he was going to write wonderful things. My alumni Interviewer from Choate was slightly awkward and hard to connect with, I think I did alright on that one. My Groton interview was okay, it was my first interview so i was nervous. Middlesex went very well!
[</em>] Essays: I think that my essays for Deerfield were the best
[<em>] Math Rec: Okay, my math teacher is not english and he is slightly “cold-hearted” and HATES boarding schools…
[</em>] English Rec: Wonderful! My english teacher loves me and I know this was good!
[<em>] Personal/Extracurricular Rec: This was good! I had a family friend who is a monsignor and president of a university write me a letter.
[</em>] Principal/Counselor Rec: This recommendation was great as well.
[<em>] Sports (if any): Crew (rowing)
[</em>] Instruments (if any): guitar
[<em>] Other ECs (if any): Volunteer at food shelter, started a gleaning program, volunteer at animal shelter, Art club, French Club, Part time job
[</em>] Hook: I love science, I am studying at Harvard and Berkley this Summer and conducting experiments!!
[/ul][ b]Location/Person:[ul]
[<em>] State or Country: Washington, DC USA
[</em>] Current School Type: Public
[<em>] Ethnicity: Caucasian
[</em>] Gender: Female
[<em>] Grade Applying For: 10 (repeat)
[</em>] Age: 15
[li]Financial Aid/Full Pay: Full Pay[/li][/ul][ b]Strengths:
Hardworking, outgoing
Weaknesses: I am very critical of myself
**Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?:[ /b] I think that my SSAT Scores were very low and contributed to my waitlists/rejection
General Comments:
I also have three aunts and one uncle who attended Choate and still donate a lot of money. I am unsure why I was not accepted there with my application</p>


<p>Accepted: Kent, Pomfret w/out FA, Westminster w/out FA
Rejected: Loomis, Hotchkiss, Lawrenceville
Wait listed: Exeter, St Paul, Mercersburg
Likely Attending: Kent :slight_smile: </p>

GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 3.86/4.2
Rank: N/A
Other stats:
Interviews: I think all my interviews really good. They really showed my personality and there were never really awkward pauses or anything like that.
Essays: I put a lot of time and effort in them and I think they really showed me as a whole.
Math Rec: My math teacher loooooves me :slight_smile:
English Rec: ^^^^
Personal/Extracurricular Rec: my dance teacher who knows me for 9 years did it
Principal/Counselor Rec: This recommendation was great as well.
Sports (if any):
Instruments (if any):
Other ECs (if any): Model UN, ROGATE, acting, dance, school newspaper, school yearbook, science fair, community service at day care, community service at church, NJIT program
Hook: I like science ( I have always wanted to become a doctor) idk of thats a hook
[ b]Location/Person:**
State or Country: New Jersey :slight_smile:
Current School Type: Public
Ethnicity: Asian
Gender: Female
Grade Applying For: 9
Age: 14
Financial Aid/Full Pay: Full pay
[ b]Strengths:** Hardworking, outgoing
Weaknesses: Idk…I suck at sports…
Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?:[ /b] I don’t know actually… I guess I could have sports on there or have a higher ssat score idk
General Comments:
I am a HUGE optimist so I’m sooooo happy that I got into kent :slight_smile: I secretly liked it from the beginning and everyone is soooo nice there! I’m not upset that I mostly got rejected/wait listed I think that because kent was the only one that accepted me with a lot of FA I’m meant to go there and have an awesome fours years at that WONDERFUL school hehehehehehe :wink: I wouldn’t change anything cause I know everything happens for a good reason :)</p>

<p>[ b] Accepted:NONE**
** Rejected: Deerfield, Andover**
Wait listed: Exeter
Likely Attending: Public High school definitely</p>

GPA Unweighted/Weighted: I don’t have a GPA but I got all A+s
Rank: my school doesn’t rank
Other stats:
Interviews: Exeter interview was AMAZING and he made it sound like he definitely wanted me there. Deerfield was okay, and Andover was terrible.
Essays: Really really bad. I am awful at writing
Math Rec: Great, I’m her top student
English Rec: Amazing probably, I know her really well
Personal/Extracurricular Rec: Most likely very good
Principal/Counselor Rec: I’m not sure
Sports (if any): swimming
Instruments (if any): flute
Other ECs (if any): math team, compete at state level. public speaking, etc
Hook: none
[/ul]Location/Person:[ list]
State or Country: US
Current School Type: public
Ethnicity: I didn’t say
Gender: XX
Grade Applying For: 9
Age: 13
Financial Aid/Full Pay: FA
Strengths: At Exeter, everything went really well. I kind of thought I would get in, and I played ALL of my cards in my application. Oh well.
Weaknesses: essays, FA, among others
Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?: Nobody will ever know for sure
General Comments: I’m fine with my public school but really disappointed. Not even a waitlist from Deerfield and Andover</p>

<p>** Accepted: None**
** Rejected:Hotchkiss**
Wait listed:Milton, Deerfield, Exeter, Groton, Choate
Likely Attending: Local Public High school</p>

[<em>] SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: 99 percentile overall
[</em>] GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 4/4.1
[<em>] Rank: N/A
[</em>] Other stats:
[<em>] Interviews: Hotchkiss and Milton were awkward, Choate was very pleasant, Exeter was very interview-y but fun, Groton was alright, Deerfield was pretty good, NMH was great!
[</em>] Essays: I thought they were good. However, my Hotchkiss one could have used a bit more personality
[<em>] Math Rec: good, he likes me
[</em>] English Rec: average
[<em>] Personal/Extracurricular Rec: great
[</em>] Principal/Counselor Rec: good
[<em>] Sports (if any): swimming, track (varsity as middle schooler)
[</em>] Instruments (if any): Piano (first class honors with distinction for exams)
[<em>] Other ECs (if any): speech, 3rd place prose; honorable mention at HS tournament
[</em>] Hook: none
[<em>] State or Country: Massachusetts
[</em>] Current School Type: Public
[<em>] Ethnicity: Chinese (as you can see, one of the most over represented population of applicants)
[</em>] Gender: Female
[<em>] Grade Applying For: 9
[</em>] Age: 13
[li]Financial Aid/Full Pay: FA[/li][/ul]Strengths: My SSAT scores (which btw, don’t mean anything), essays, swimming
Weaknesses: Race, some interviews, FA
Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?: Over represented ethnicity, FA, essays weren’t compelling enough, interviews may have been too bland…
General Comments: Good luck 2015-16 applicants!</p>

<p>** Accepted: Berkshire, Pomfret**
** Rejected: Taft, Hotchkiss **
**Wait listed: Deerfield, Millbrook **
**Likely Attending: Berkshire **</p>

[</em>] GPA Unweighted/Weighted: n/a
[<em>] Rank: n/a
[</em>] Other stats:
[<em>] Interviews: My Berkshire, Pomfret, and Hotchkiss interviews were very good, my Deerfield one was just ok. My Taft and Millbrook ones were not good.
[</em>] Essays: I think they were pretty good, but also really weird. I adapted the same essay for 5 schools hahaha.
[<em>] Math Rec: very good, math is my best subject.
[</em>] English Rec: probably pretty good
[<em>] Personal/Extracurricular Rec: i had my sleep away camp director who i’ve know for 5 years do them and they were probably very good, she knows the schools well.
[</em>] Principal/Counselor Rec: i don’t really know her
[<em>] Sports (if any): Lacrosse, Field Hockey
[</em>] Instruments (if any):
[<em>] Other ECs (if any):
[</em>] Hook: Full pay ( if that counts), Deerfield legacy
[<em>] State or Country: NY
[</em>] Current School Type: Large Public
[<em>] Ethnicity: White
[</em>] Gender: Female
[<em>] Grade Applying For: 9
[</em>] Age: 13
[li]Financial Aid/Full Pay: FP[/li][/ul]Strengths: grades, sports
Weaknesses: ssats
Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?:
General Comments:</p>

<p>Accepted: Loomis, NMH, Governor’s, & Suffield
Rejected: none
Wait listed: none
Likely Attending: Definitely NMH!!! I felt the most at home there and I liked their theatre program the most :slight_smile: </p>

GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 3.8/4.2
Rank: top quarter and i go to a public hs that is relatively unknown to prep schools…</p>

Interviews: Definitely the best part of my application!!! I studied each school before I went to…it helped a lot and showed the AOs that I had genuine interest in the schools. I really enjoyed my interviews too!!
Essays: Pretty good. I’m a writer, so that helped. Loomis was probably my best because it gave me the most to work with.
Math Rec: Average. Honestly I’m an average Honors math student so it was okay.
English Rec: Probably really good.
Personal/Extracurricular Rec: Honestly amazing!!! My journalism advisor wrote it and he loves and respects me because I work really hard. Principal/Counselor Rec: Average.
Sports (if any): nope
Instruments (if any): nada
Other ECs (if any): I am extremely involved with a competitive theater troupe, my debate team, and my school’s newsmagazine. I also teach religious ed and use my summers wisely.
Hook: None other than I think I showed I was really motivated throughout my interviews
State or Country: south Florida…probably helped slightly
Current School Type: public
Ethnicity: white
Gender: female
Grade Applying For: repeat 10th
Age: 16
Financial Aid/Full Pay: full pay
Strengths: interviews, essays, extracurricular rec, english rec, ECs
Weaknesses: math rec, rank, freshman year grades (4 B’s, the rest A’s)
Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?:[ /b] Strengths and showed a lot of interest in everywhere I was applying. Also I heard it’s less competitive to get into 10th grade.
General Comments: Really happy :slight_smile: Congrats to all!! Any current/future hoggers please message me!!!</p>

<p>** Accepted: **
** Denied:Exeter, Emma Willard**
Waitlisted:Deerfield, Northfield Mount Hermon, Cate, St. Andrew’s (DE), Concord, Groton, Andover
Likely Attending:</p>

[<em>] SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: 88 SSAT November (I was sick!), 89 SSAT January (Took ISEE too, categories were from 75 to 90ish)
[</em>] GPA Unweighted/Weighted: >4.0 (Lowest grade is an A, no leveled classes.)
[<em>] Rank: School doesn’t rank.
[</em>] Other stats: I started Spanish in kindergarten.
[<em>] Interviews:
Andover: Great, showed my mature side and a bit of my humor.
Cate: It was through Skpe and we missed about 10 minutes setting up, it was cold.
Concord: Great! I interviewed with the head of financial aid.
Deerfield: Probably my best interview. It was totally hilarious.
Emma Willard: Definitely impressed him!
Exeter: Not my best but not bad at all.
Northfield Mount Hermon: Almost as funny as Deerfield! I ranted a little and she seemed to understand.
Groton: Most serious but my maturity showed.
St. Andrew’s: Skype interview was really fun! Also ranted a bit.
[</em>] Essays: Writing is my “thing,” so all of my essays were really good. I managed to re-use a couple of them which worked out well. Andover’s was about 75 words over the limit, Deerfield’s was around 500, the rest were just under.
[<em>] Math Rec: It’s complicated… I thought it’d be good but I’m beginning to doubt that.
[</em>] English Rec: If my teacher’s comments on my report card are any indication, they rocked!
[<em>] Additional Teacher Rec: Deerfield required an additional teacher recommendation. I had my Spanish teacher fill it out, it was probably pretty good. She seems to like me (my hand is always up.)
[</em>] Personal/Extracurricular Rec: Personal was by an old family friend, extracurricular was by my guitar teacher who is also family friend. He talked about how even though I’m not the best, I try hard and get better every week.
[<em>] Principal/Counselor Rec: She loves me! I love her!
[</em>] Sports: Not a star (pun intended) by any means, but softball since kindergarten, basketball since sixth grade, and I run before school when the weather is not a threat to my safety.
[<em>] Instruments (if any): Guitar since sixth grade, alto sax in fourth and sixth grades, picked up tenor last year.
[</em>] Other ECs: Creative writing, local anti-prejudice group, GSA, jazz band, archery, Hebrew school, I did drama in elementary school and want to pick it up again.
[<em>] Hook: I’ve gotten this far on barely any money. Or my writing. Dunno…
[</em>] State or Region: New England, USA
[<em>] Current School Type: Large public (only leveled class is math)
[</em>] Ethnicity: I look white, if that’s what you mean! I’m Jewish and have a unique family situation.
[<em>] Gender: Female
[</em>] Grade Applying For: 9
[<em>] Age: 13
[</em>]Financial Aid/Full Pay: Full financial aid (I’m on free lunch, for goodness’ sake)
[/ul]Strengths: I take advantage of everything I can. And I help pretty much everyone at school.
Weaknesses: Time management! (I’m actually typing out this whole thing Sunday before I even have my results.)
Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?:
What I think before my results:
I know I won’t get in everywhere. I come from an over-represented area (except for at Cate) and I need a full ride. However, I think that any school that accepts me sees how I will take advantage of everything they offer me and I will flourish given so many opportunities.
What I think after my results:
I had no idea this would happen. I’m kind of mad at the universe right now and I’m so jealous of everyone who got in anywhere.</p>

<p>General Comments:
I was waitlisted at Groton for eighth grade last year. </p>

<p>I went to the Andover open house and had a nice conversation with the modern language department head… in Spanish. </p>

<p>This is for Moosieboy:</p>

<p>** Accepted:** Berwick Academy
** Rejected:** None
Wait listed: None
Likely Attending: DEFINITELY Berwick Academy</p>

[<em>] SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: SSAT 95th percentile overall
[</em>] GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 4.0/4.25
[<em>] Rank: No ranking
[</em>] Other stats: n/a</p>

[<em>] Interviews: Interview went amazing! Met with Asst. AO and he was very at ease, very mature but with humor. He is very comfortable speaking with adults and we had prepped a little bit. Questions were definitely not what he expected but he did very well. I could tell Asst. AO was impressed.
[</em>] Essays: Not very strong but passionate. Writing is probably his greatest weakness in school, although he’s an excellent writer. He prefers creative writing assignments to more analytical ones, and he felt it awkward to “boast” about himself. I didn’t help at ALL and afterwards, checking his saved essays, found some spelling/grammar mistakes. Minor ones, but UGH!
[<em>] Math Rec: Excellent! He’s TOPS in his math class and advanced to Algebra 1 after first quarter (placement test not given, and after 1st Q, teacher realized he needed to move up)
[</em>] English Rec: Decent, I’m sure not very strong. He is definitely weak in this area and needs to work harder at it.
[<em>] Personal/Extracurricular Rec: Fantastic! Came from his soccer coach, who values him highly as a leader and a team member!
[</em>] Principal/Counselor Rec: Excellent! She couldn’t say enough about him when she told me she had sent them in. Said he belonged at Berwick and that she knew he would get in for sure!
[<em>] Sports (if any): Soccer, skiing
[</em>] Instruments (if any): Piano
[<em>] Other ECs (if any): Theater tech; movie club
[</em>] Hook: Extremely URM at school; family members attend school presently; distant family member on staff</p>

[<em>] State or Country: New England, US
[</em>] Current School Type: Homeschool; paid co-op
[<em>] Ethnicity: Hispanic
[</em>] Gender: M
[<em>] Grade Applying For: 9th
[</em>] Age: 13
[li]Financial Aid/Full Pay: FA</p>[/li]
<p>[/ul]Strengths: VERY strong in logic/reasoning, great SSAT scores and GPA, excellent leadership skills, great with people, VERY hard working (has had a paying job since age 8); great recs, strong interview, URM status, family members at school
Weaknesses: Essays (I’m sure SSAT essays were not stellar, application essays were OK but not great), needing substantial FA
Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?: He’s a very strong candidate and could’ve easily applied to other more competitive schools. I know the URM status and having family members in the school definitely helped “tip” things his way, but at the end of the day, it was his hard work, passion, and accomplishments that got him the spot.
General Comments: We are THRILLED and he can’t stop daydreaming about it :slight_smile: In his mind, he’s already there! LOL!</p>

<p>** Accepted: Concord Academy, The Governor’s Academy **
** Rejected: None **
**Wait listed: Middlesex **
**Likely Attending: Not sure. Depends on if my parents let me go. **</p>

[<em>] SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: SSAT- 97th percentile overall
[</em>] GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 4.3 UW (I think)
[<em>] Rank: N/A
[</em>] Other stats: All A+s each year
[<em>] Interviews: Concord- I think it went great. I met with someone involved in my favorite subject, so we had lots to talk about, and I think I gave him a good impression of myself for my first interview when I was insanely nervous.
Middlesex- Actually really good. I made him laugh quite a bit and he seemed generally impressed.
Governor’s- Um, it was good I guess but also a little weird. I interviewed about six days before apps were due so I was a bit insane… I guess it worked out though?
[</em>] Essays: Generally okay. I love writing, and the best one was definitely for Governor’s. I think it really helped me because there was a lot written about it in my acceptence letter.
[<em>] Math Rec: Honestly not sure. I’m in the honors program and I get good grades, but my teacher doesn’t really know me that well.
[</em>] English Rec: I’m sure it was good. She really likes me.
[<em>] Personal/Extracurricular Rec: Good as well. Written by a really sweet woman who works at my church; I wrote an essay on her, too.
[</em>] Principal/Counselor Rec: I think it was good.I didn’t know her very well for a while, but we had a good conversation.
[<em>] Sports: Tennis, Basketball (sort of on and off)
[</em>] Instruments: Piano, Saxophone
[<em>] Other ECs: Destination Imagination, Community service, Jazz band, Select chorus
[</em>] Hook: No idea. Probably none
[/ul]** Location/Person:**[ul]
[<em>] State or Country: Massachusetts
[</em>] Current School Type: Public (around 800 kids)
[<em>] Ethnicity: White
[</em>] Gender: Female
[<em>] Grade Applying For: 9th
[</em>] Age: 14
[li]Financial Aid/Full Pay: FP[/li][/ul]Strengths: Writing, probably, and sort of music. I think I present myself well.
Weaknesses: Location, Ethnicity, not many sports
Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?: Honestly, I’m surprised as well as thrilled, especially considering how many awesome people didn’t get in. I’m really not sure about any of them. I think I demonstrated passion, which is important.
General Comments: Now I have to anxiously await to see if my family is willing to let me go!</p>