3.6 W GPA, 2.9 UW GPA, 1260 SAT, and anxious. Posted on here & realized direct admit nursing is a reach- Where can I go for a Pre PA track?

Did you see @MDparent22’s post on your previous thread: Very anxious. Very low GPA & SAT. [Nursing] Please chance me! - #24 by MDparent22? Have you looked into any of the Pennsylvania options?

Is there a particular reason why you’re trying to nail down a particular profession right now? Perhaps you want to go to school as undecided, or maybe undecided with a health focus (some colleges have something similar). You could take coursework that might apply to nursing, or PA-prereqs, or perhaps you’d become interested in counseling, medical social work, or another field. There is not necessarily a need to nail everything down before you graduate from high school.

If you’re looking for school suggestions, what is your budget? What are your preferences (your earlier list seemed to have large colleges in the midwest and northeast…are those your preferences or just the nursing programs you thought were a fit)?

One school you may want to look into is the U. of Lynchburg. It is part of the Colleges That Change Lives, an association of small school commended for their undergraduate education (Lynchburg’s CTCL site). It has a nursing major, but it also has a Health Promotion major which has two tracks, one for allied health and one for working in a community setting with issues such as stress management or substance abuse.