Very anxious. Very low GPA & SAT. [Nursing] Please chance me!

I looked up requirements for Nursing school at UMBC - you actually do 2 years at UMBC but get your nursing degree from University of Maryland school of nursing. Highly competitive with only 70-ish spots.
I looked up easiest nursing programs to get into - saw this one:
Mansfield Univ in PA: Admission to the Mansfield University BSN program is the same as general university admission with additional nursing department criteria, which include the following. Applicants must submit immunization records and proof of physical and mental fitness. Candidates must have completed the following high school classes: English (4 credits), History or Social Sciences (3 credits), Lab Sciences (2 credits with at least one Biology and one Chemistry), Math (2 credits, one must be Algebra). As a result of disruptions in standardized testing availability due to COVID-19, SATs are not required for the 2022 academic year. Instead, the program will consider candidates with a 3.2-grade point average for all high school science and math scores.
How’s your gpa for science/math only?