Anything About Hotchkiss

I like reading @Golfgr8 posts about Deerfield at Happy to answer questions about Deerfield Academy!
I wonder if we can create a similar thread for Hotchkiss families. Current families can answer questions and share wisdom and experience with the upcoming families. I can kickstart the thread by asking some questions:
Is tap water at dorms/dining hall fine for drinking, or students use bottled water?
How do students print out their homework? Are they allowed to have a wireless printer in their rooms?
Are students allowed to bring any plastic containers that can also be used as a nightstand?
Is Alexa/Google allowed?
What are the things you recommend to bring in?
What do you recommend incoming 9th-grade students to have the best experience in their first year at school?
I’m sure more questions will follow from other new families/students.

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Tap water is totally fine!!!

I believe most homework is submitted electronically, not printed out.

The best thing an incoming 9th grader can bring is an open heart and an open mind.

I am the parental opposite of @Golfgr8 as, although I’ve been involved with Hotchkiss one way or another for over 20 years, I am not immersed in the details of everyday life.


Be friendly, open-minded, and non-judgmental of others. Making friends and being a good community member is, in my opinion, the surest way to have an enjoyable and successful freshman year.