Arizona State Admissions Fall 2022 - Class of 2026

To all - I just spoke to an ASU Barrett staff member. My oldest DS previously worked for them when he was at Barrett. They let me know that the change is a University change - not Barrett. The change is very recent. It sounds like they may revisit it in the Spring to see how it impacts admissions/acceptance rates.

The facts as they stand today - OOS NMF will still get a scholarship, just not full tuition. The award can be stacked with other ASU scholarships, like Gammage. But, that means more applications.

If money, or lack of financial aid, is the reason you would not go to ASU/Barrett, I encourage you to share that with any admissions contacts you have. If you don’t have one, I encourage you to reach out. Your message needs to get to the University level staff that made this decision. NO guarantee that anything will change, but if you plan to vote with your feet - they need to know. If you are cancelling trips because of this development, let them know that too.

@joelatte , @martinezcs , @Peruna1998 @Scoobs1998 @lizcol