Boarding School & College Matriculation

Does ANYone find rankings useful for ANYthing? What does anyone deduce from such a list? You can make up any methodology you want and come up with an entirely different order for any metric you’re interested in. What’s the point of this exercise? Remember, these schools are not getting any student in to any college. They are preparing students well for the colleges they choose to attend. If one BS has a high matriculation rate to a particular college, it may be because that school self-selected/cherry-picked students who would have ended up at that college from any BS (or LPS) those students attended. Too many people look at these lists and think there is some cause and effect going on, and we already have too many kids (and parents, evidently) here who think that attending a BS that “sends” a high number of students to certain colleges is somehow predictive of their own results when nothing could be further from the truth. There is so much more going on behind matriculation results that lists like the above are meaningless for any practical purpose and do more harm than good for people who think they reveal something they don’t.

It’s been a very long time since someone dragged a rankings list to this forum. We expect it on the big board, but I hope we don’t devolve into rankings discussions here when we’re trying to teach our BS applicants to choose schools based on everything BUT meaningless college matriculation data.