Boarding School & College Matriculation

Go to all the “Top” 20-25 BS websites. Print all the Matriculation Lists and remove the name of the school at the top. Next- mix them up well and throw them up in the air and let them fall to the ground. Now scoop them up and try to identify the school or tell them apart. Let me know how you make out. :wink:

I understand and appreciate the expense that goes into this grand adventure but obviously I look at it thru a different lens- and I know I’m not alone . For three kids JBS-SS ( 6 years each ) our total tuition cost for everyone was somewhere around 850- 900K. I had absolutely no problem paying for their BS experiences because ( as an alum) I knew what I was paying for and what they would get out of it and it had absolutely nothing to SS college matriculation lists or college placement . I could care less - wasn’t even on our radar because we understood the value of what they were getting at BS ( which went deeper and far beyond the academic piece ) and I knew they’d have the intelligence to ultimately figure out college on their own later on- which they did and I had the pleasure of paying for that, too. College Results: Two Ivy- One LAC- all ED… so I’m not sure what " indiscriminate " or " checked out " means… but you’re correct that I didn’t do anything … except maybe cheer them on and pay the bills…

It also appears that some people don’t understand what a BS matriculation list is. It’s actually a celebration of every student and class…and they’re not put out there to impress anyone. Every class is very different and has a unique personality. It’s a brag sheet for every kid who crosses the finish line . It’s not for a prospective parent or incoming III Form parent to judge, speculate , or drill down on because it has absolutely NOTHING to do with them or their kid. Honestly? Schools should consider locking the lists up - especially when so many people misinterpret the spirit and meaning behind them.

With four years of BS in front of your kid- you have much bigger fish to fry right now. Cheer on your kid and see what happens. To me- that’s time and money well spent.