Final 2022 UC Admissions Numbers by Campus for Freshmen, Transfers

UC Campuses Three Resident Cohort
Admissions for 2022: High School, Transfers, and Combined

Campus Cohort Residence Applied % of Total Accepted % of Total A/R % Enrolled % of Total % Yield
UCB High School CA Res 72,466 56.5% 10,483 72.2% 14.47% 5,233 77.8% 49.92%
OOS 32,631 25.5% 2,785 19.2% 8.53% 820 12.2% 29.40%
Int’l. 23,113 18.0% 1,254 8.6% 5.43% 674 10.0% 53.70%
H.S. Total 128,210 100.0% 14,522 100.0% 11.33% 6,727 100.0% 46.32%
Transfer CA Res 16,055 82.9% 3,971 86.8% 24.73% 2,232 83.6% 56.21%
OOS 654 3.4% 46 1.0% 7.03% 27 1.0% 58.70%
Int’l. 2,662 13.7% 556 12.2% 20.89% 411 15.4% 73.90%
H.S. Total 19,371 100.0% 4,573 100.0% 23.61% 2,670 100.0% 58.39%
Combined CA Res 88,521 60.0% 14,454 75.7% 16.33% 7,465 79.4% 51.65%
OOS 33,285 22.6% 2,831 14.8% 8.51% 847 9.0% 29.92%
Int’l. 25,775 17.5% 1,810 9.5% 7.02% 1,085 11.5% 59.94%
Total 147,581 100.1% 19,095 100.0% 12.94% 9,397 99.9% 49.21%
UCD High School CA Res 65,414 69.0% 21,130 59.7% 32.30% 4,794 74.9% 22.69%
OOS 10,782 11.4% 6,398 18.1% 59.34% 540 8.4% 8.40%
Int’l. 18,552 19.6% 7,849 22.2% 42.31% 1,065 16.6% 13.60%
H.S. Total 94,748 100.0% 35,377 100.0% 37.34% 6,399 100.0% 18.09%
Transfer CA Res 13,469 86.7% 8,143 90.0% 60.46% 2,519 96.4% 30.93%
OOS 325 2.1% 44 0.5% 13.54% 9 0.3% 20.50%
Int’l. 1,739 11.2% 858 9.5% 49.34% 86 3.3% 10.00%
H.S. Total 15,533 100.0% 9,045 100.0% 58.23% 2,614 100.0% 28.90%
Combined CA Res 78,883 71.5% 29,273 65.9% 37.11% 7,313 81.1% 24.98%
OOS 11,107 10.1% 6,442 14.5% 58.00% 549 6.1% 8.52%
Int’l. 20,291 18.4% 8,707 19.6% 42.91% 1,151 12.8% 13.22%
Total 110,281 100.0% 44,422 100.0% 40.30% 9,013 100.0% 20.30%
UCI High School CA Res 84,774 71.1% 15,656 62.1% 18.47% 4,592 81.1% 29.33%
OOS 14,358 12.0% 5,308 21.1% 36.97% 474 8.4% 8.90%
Int’l. 20,062 16.8% 4,244 16.8% 21.15% 598 10.6% 14.10%
H.S. Total 119,194 99.9% 25,208 100.0% 21.15% 5,664 100.0% 22.47%
Transfer CA Res 19,921 87.3% 8,133 89.0% 40.83% 2,352 91.2% 28.92%
OOS 473 2.1% 56 0.6% 11.84% 6 0.2% 10.70%
Int’l. 2,421 10.6% 953 10.4% 39.36% 221 8.6% 23.20%
H.S. Total 22,815 100.0% 9,142 100.0% 40.07% 2,579 100.0% 28.21%
Combined CA Res 104,695 73.7% 23,789 69.3% 22.72% 6,944 84.2% 29.19%
OOS 14,831 10.4% 5,364 15.6% 36.17% 480 5.8% 8.95%
Int’l. 22,483 15.8% 5,197 15.1% 23.12% 819 9.9% 15.76%
Total 142,009 99.9% 34,350 100.0% 24.20% 8,243 99.9% 24.00%
UCLA High School CA Res 91,588 61.1% 8,425 65.6% 9.20% 4,980 77.1% 59.11%
OOS 34,686 23.2% 3,084 24.0% 8.89% 1,028 15.9% 33.30%
Int’l. 23,527 15.7% 1,335 10.4% 5.67% 454 7.0% 34.00%
H.S. Total 149,801 100.0% 12,844 100.0% 8.57% 6,462 100.0% 50.31%
Transfer CA Res 21,242 85.2% 5,378 90.2% 25.32% 3,315 91.0% 61.64%
OOS 808 3.2% 55 0.9% 6.81% 34 0.9% 61.80%
Int’l. 2,893 11.6% 528 8.9% 18.25% 296 8.1% 56.10%
H.S. Total 24,943 100.0% 5,961 100.0% 23.90% 3,645 100.0% 61.15%
Combined CA Res 112,830 64.6% 13,803 73.4% 12.23% 8,295 82.1% 60.10%
OOS 35,494 20.3% 3,139 16.7% 8.84% 1,062 10.5% 33.83%
Int’l. 26,420 15.1% 1,863 9.9% 7.05% 750 7.4% 40.26%
Total 174,744 100.0% 18,805 100.0% 10.80% 10,107 100.0% 53.70%
UCM High School CA Res 26,229 87.7% 24,252 90.6% 92.46% 2,378 99.4% 9.81%
OOS 1,375 4.6% 1,029 3.8% 74.84% 4 0.2% 0.40%
Int’l. 2,316 7.7% 1,485 5.5% 64.12% 10 0.4% 0.70%
H.S. Total 29,920 100.0% 26,766 99.9% 89.46% 2,392 100.0% 8.94%
Transfer CA Res 3,795 89.8% 2,446 91.0% 64.45% 208 97.7% 8.50%
OOS 89 2.1% 30 1.1% 33.71% 0 0.0% 0.00%
Int’l. 342 8.1% 212 7.9% 61.99% 5 2.4% 2.40%
H.S. Total 4,226 100.0% 2,688 100.0% 63.61% 213 100.0% 7.92%
Combined CA Res 30,024 87.9% 26,698 90.6% 88.92% 2,586 99.3% 9.69%
OOS 1,464 4.3% 1,059 3.6% 72.34% 4 0.2% 0.38%
Int’l. 2,658 7.8% 1,697 5.8% 63.84% 15 0.6% 0.88%
Total 34,146 100.0% 29,454 100.0% 86.30% 2,605 100.1% 8.80%
UCR High School CA Res 46,498 85.0% 31,095 82.8% 66.87% 5,162 92.6% 16.60%
OOS 2,581 4.7% 2,170 5.8% 84.08% 104 1.9% 4.80%
Int’l. 5,605 10.2% 4,298 11.4% 76.68% 307 5.5% 7.10%
H.S. Total 54,684 99.9% 37,563 100.0% 68.69% 5,573 100.0% 14.84%
Transfer CA Res 11,603 89.7% 7,070 89.8% 60.93% 1,352 92.5% 19.12%
OOS 243 1.9% 85 1.1% 34.98% 5 0.3% 5.90%
Int’l. 1,091 8.4% 722 9.2% 66.18% 104 7.1% 14.40%
H.S. Total 12,937 100.0% 7,877 100.1% 60.89% 1,461 100.0% 18.55%
Combined CA Res 58,101 85.9% 38,165 84.0% 65.69% 6,514 92.6% 17.07%
OOS 2,824 4.2% 2,255 5.0% 79.85% 109 1.5% 4.83%
Int’l. 6,696 9.9% 5,020 11.0% 74.97% 411 5.8% 8.19%
Total 67,621 100.0% 45,440 100.0% 67.20% 7,034 99.9% 15.50%
UCSB High School CA Res 73,595 66.3% 19,643 68.5% 26.69% 3,858 77.7% 19.64%
OOS 18,466 16.6% 5,318 18.5% 28.80% 513 10.3% 9.60%
Int’l. 18,934 17.1% 3,727 13.0% 19.68% 596 12.0% 16.00%
H.S. Total 110,995 100.0% 28,688 100.0% 25.85% 4,967 100.0% 17.31%
Transfer CA Res 15,312 86.8% 8,939 87.3% 58.38% 1,892 90.1% 21.17%
OOS 401 2.3% 127 1.2% 31.67% 18 0.9% 14.20%
Int’l. 1,923 10.9% 1,179 11.5% 61.31% 189 9.0% 16.00%
H.S. Total 17,636 100.0% 10,245 100.0% 58.09% 2,099 100.0% 20.49%
Combined CA Res 88,907 69.1% 28,582 73.4% 32.15% 5,750 81.4% 20.12%
OOS 18,867 14.7% 5,445 14.0% 28.86% 531 7.5% 9.75%
Int’l. 20,857 16.2% 4,906 12.6% 23.52% 785 11.1% 16.00%
Total 128,631 100.0% 38,933 100.0% 30.30% 7,066 100.0% 18.10%
UCSC High School CA Res 53,074 80.4% 22,856 73.9% 43.06% 3,433 89.0% 15.02%
OOS 6,977 10.6% 4,834 15.6% 69.28% 275 7.1% 5.70%
Int’l. 5,963 9.0% 3,236 10.5% 54.27% 151 3.9% 4.70%
H.S. Total 66,014 100.0% 30,926 100.0% 46.85% 3,859 100.0% 12.48%
Transfer CA Res 10,577 90.3% 6,498 91.5% 61.44% 1,152 95.1% 17.73%
OOS 303 2.6% 65 0.9% 21.45% 6 0.5% 9.20%
Int’l. 839 7.2% 536 7.6% 63.89% 54 4.5% 10.10%
H.S. Total 11,719 100.1% 7,099 100.0% 60.58% 1,212 100.0% 17.07%
Combined CA Res 63,651 81.9% 29,354 77.2% 46.12% 4,585 90.4% 15.62%
OOS 7,280 9.4% 4,899 12.9% 67.29% 281 5.5% 5.74%
Int’l. 6,802 8.8% 3,772 9.9% 55.45% 205 4.0% 5.43%
Total 77,733 100.1% 38,025 100.0% 48.90% 5,071 99.9% 13.30%
UCSD High School CA Res 84,344 64.3% 20,117 64.7% 23.85% 5,281 80.7% 26.25%
OOS 23,826 18.2% 7,466 24.0% 31.34% 664 10.1% 8.90%
Int’l. 23,059 17.6% 3,519 11.3% 15.26% 602 9.2% 17.10%
H.S. Total 131,229 100.1% 31,102 100.0% 23.70% 6,547 100.0% 21.05%
Transfer CA Res 16,881 85.5% 10,235 89.5% 60.63% 2,742 89.4% 26.79%
OOS 474 2.4% 153 1.3% 32.28% 30 1.0% 19.60%
Int’l. 2,379 12.1% 1,042 9.1% 43.80% 297 9.7% 28.50%
H.S. Total 19,734 100.0% 11,430 99.9% 57.92% 3,069 100.0% 26.85%
Combined CA Res 101,225 67.1% 30,352 71.4% 29.98% 8,023 83.4% 26.43%
OOS 24,300 16.1% 7,619 17.9% 31.35% 694 7.2% 9.11%
Int’l. 25,438 16.9% 4,561 10.7% 17.93% 899 9.3% 19.71%
Total 150,963 100.1% 42,532 100.0% 28.20% 9,616 99.9% 22.60%

To see it in its best form, expand the view. And I might redo the spreadsheet to see if I can get the headers to page down as you go through the list. And the column is too wide for the UC campus listing; I’ll try to fix that.

Meh, still not very good. I’ll post the 2021 numbers and do a comparison later on, because the UCs, particularly B, LA and SD were ordered to admit and enroll more CA students. This reflects in all three having ~ 18% of combined high-school and xfer students.

UC Campuses Three Resident Cohort
Admissions for 2021: High School, Transfers, and Combined
Campus Cohort Residence Applied % of Total Accepted % of Total A/R % Enrolled % of Total % Yield
UCB High School CA Res 62,191 55.1% 10,452 64.1% 16.8% 4,875 70.3% 46.6%
OOS 29,663 26.3% 4,152 25.5% 14.0% 1,160 16.7% 27.9%
Int’l. 20,981 18.6% 1,691 10.4% 8.1% 896 12.9% 53.0%
H.S. Total 112,835 100.0% 16,295 100.0% 14.4% 6,931 99.9% 42.5%
Transfer CA Res 17,781 80.2% 3,711 86.2% 20.9% 2,209 83.4% 59.5%
OOS 705 3.2% 36 0.8% 5.1% 22 0.8% 61.1%
Int’l. 3,696 16.7% 556 12.9% 15.0% 417 15.7% 75.0%
Trx Total 22,182 100.1% 4,303 99.9% 19.4% 2,648 99.9% 61.5%
Combined CA Res 79,972 59.2% 14,163 68.8% 17.7% 7,084 74.0% 50.0%
OOS 30,368 22.5% 4,188 20.3% 13.8% 1,182 12.3% 28.2%
Int’l. 24,677 18.3% 2,247 10.9% 9.1% 1,313 13.7% 58.4%
Total 135,017 100.0% 20,598 100.0% 15.3% 9,579 100.0% 46.5%
UCD High School CA Res 60,984 70.0% 23,713 55.8% 38.9% 5,562 74.3% 23.5%
OOS 9,534 10.9% 7,649 18.0% 80.2% 499 6.7% 6.5%
Int’l. 16,618 19.1% 11,112 26.2% 66.9% 1,421 19.0% 12.8%
H.S. Total 87,136 100.0% 42,474 100.0% 48.7% 7,482 100.0% 17.6%
Transfer CA Res 15,924 84.9% 7,938 84.0% 49.8% 2,666 94.6% 33.6%
OOS 360 1.9% 63 0.7% 17.5% 7 0.2% 11.1%
Int’l. 2,481 13.2% 1,453 15.4% 58.6% 144 5.1% 9.9%
Trx Total 18,765 100.0% 9,454 100.1% 50.4% 2,817 99.9% 29.8%
Combined CA Res 76,908 72.6% 31,651 61.0% 41.2% 8,228 79.9% 26.0%
OOS 9,894 9.3% 7,712 14.9% 77.9% 506 4.9% 6.6%
Int’l. 19,099 18.0% 12,565 24.2% 65.8% 1,565 15.2% 12.5%
Total 105,901 99.9% 51,928 100.1% 49.0% 10,299 100.0% 19.8%
UCI High School CA Res 78,027 72.3% 15,669 50.4% 20.1% 4,601 70.9% 29.4%
OOS 11,699 10.8% 8,627 27.7% 73.7% 971 15.0% 11.3%
Int’l. 18,217 16.9% 6,813 21.9% 37.4% 917 14.1% 13.5%
H.S. Total 107,943 100.0% 31,109 100.0% 28.8% 6,489 100.0% 20.9%
Transfer CA Res 21,918 84.8% 7,886 81.5% 36.0% 2,402 83.9% 30.5%
OOS 510 2.0% 94 1.0% 18.4% 19 0.7% 20.2%
Int’l. 3,429 13.3% 1,694 17.5% 49.4% 442 15.4% 26.1%
Trx Total 25,857 100.1% 9,674 100.0% 37.4% 2,863 100.0% 29.6%
Combined CA Res 99,945 74.7% 23,555 57.8% 23.6% 7,003 74.9% 29.7%
OOS 12,209 9.1% 8,721 21.4% 71.4% 990 10.6% 11.4%
Int’l. 21,646 16.2% 8,507 20.9% 39.3% 1,359 14.5% 16.0%
Total 133,800 100.0% 40,783 100.1% 30.5% 9,352 100.0% 22.9%
UCLA High School CA Res 84,182 60.4% 8,436 56.1% 10.0% 4,545 69.0% 53.9%
OOS 33,423 24.0% 4,619 30.7% 13.8% 1,354 20.6% 29.3%
Int’l. 21,877 15.7% 1,973 13.1% 9.0% 685 10.4% 34.7%
H.S. Total 139,482 100.1% 15,028 99.9% 10.8% 6,584 100.0% 43.8%
Transfer CA Res 23,446 82.4% 4,623 85.1% 19.7% 2,944 85.7% 63.7%
OOS 943 3.3% 40 0.7% 4.2% 21 0.6% 52.5%
Int’l. 4,075 14.3% 772 14.2% 18.9% 469 13.7% 60.8%
Trx Total 28,464 100.0% 5,435 100.0% 19.1% 3,434 100.0% 63.2%
Combined CA Res 107,628 64.1% 13,059 63.8% 12.1% 7,489 74.8% 57.3%
OOS 34,366 20.5% 4,659 22.8% 13.6% 1,375 13.7% 29.5%
Int’l. 25,952 15.5% 2,745 13.4% 10.6% 1,154 11.5% 42.0%
Total 167,946 100.1% 20,463 100.0% 12.2% 10,018 100.0% 49.0%
UCM High School CA Res 24,848 89.4% 22,197 92.2% 89.3% 2,397 99.5% 10.8%
OOS 1,122 4.0% 788 3.3% 70.2% 5 0.2% 0.6%
Int’l. 1,823 6.6% 1,084 4.5% 59.5% 8 0.3% 0.7%
H.S. Total 27,793 100.0% 24,069 100.0% 86.6% 2,410 100.0% 10.0%
Transfer CA Res 4,452 89.7% 2,756 90.2% 61.9% 262 97.8% 9.5%
OOS 86 1.7% 25 0.8% 29.1% 0 0.0% 0.0%
Int’l. 424 8.5% 275 9.0% 64.9% 6 2.2% 2.2%
Trx Total 4,962 99.9% 3,056 100.0% 61.6% 268 100.0% 8.8%
Combined CA Res 29,300 89.5% 24,953 92.0% 85.2% 2,659 99.3% 10.7%
OOS 1,208 3.7% 813 3.0% 67.3% 5 0.2% 0.6%
Int’l. 2,247 6.9% 1,359 5.0% 60.5% 14 0.5% 1.0%
Total 32,755 100.1% 27,125 100.0% 82.8% 2,678 100.0% 9.9%
UCR High School CA Res 45,339 86.1% 28,795 83.6% 63.5% 4,987 95.8% 17.3%
OOS 2,495 4.7% 2,066 6.0% 82.8% 51 1.0% 2.5%
Int’l. 4,843 9.2% 3,576 10.4% 73.8% 165 3.2% 4.6%
H.S. Total 52,677 100.0% 34,437 100.0% 65.4% 5,203 100.0% 15.1%
Transfer CA Res 13,135 89.1% 8,185 88.6% 62.3% 1,941 94.4% 23.7%
OOS 258 1.8% 72 0.8% 27.9% 9 0.4% 12.5%
Int’l. 1,347 9.1% 977 10.6% 72.5% 106 5.2% 10.8%
Trx Total 14,740 100.0% 9,234 100.0% 62.6% 2,056 100.0% 22.3%
Combined CA Res 58,474 86.7% 36,980 84.7% 63.2% 6,928 95.4% 18.7%
OOS 2,753 4.1% 2,138 4.9% 77.7% 60 0.8% 2.8%
Int’l. 6,190 9.2% 4,553 10.4% 73.6% 271 3.7% 6.0%
Total 67,417 100.0% 43,671 100.0% 64.8% 7,259 99.9% 16.6%
UCSB High School CA Res 71,220 67.4% 19,908 64.6% 28.0% 3,678 75.1% 18.5%
OOS 16,852 16.0% 6,103 19.8% 36.2% 566 11.6% 9.3%
Int’l. 17,559 16.6% 4,812 15.6% 27.4% 654 13.4% 13.6%
H.S. Total 105,631 100.0% 30,823 100.0% 29.2% 4,898 100.1% 15.9%
Transfer CA Res 17,389 84.5% 8,121 80.9% 46.7% 1,876 89.2% 23.1%
OOS 424 2.1% 123 1.2% 29.0% 22 1.0% 17.9%
Int’l. 2,760 13.4% 1,796 17.9% 65.1% 204 9.7% 11.4%
Trx Total 20,573 100.0% 10,040 100.0% 48.8% 2,102 99.9% 20.9%
Combined CA Res 88,609 70.2% 28,029 68.6% 31.6% 5,554 79.3% 19.8%
OOS 17,276 13.7% 6,226 15.2% 36.0% 588 8.4% 9.4%
Int’l. 20,319 16.1% 6,608 16.2% 32.5% 858 12.3% 13.0%
Total 126,204 100.0% 40,863 100.0% 32.4% 7,000 100.0% 17.1%
UCSC High School CA Res 49,204 79.6% 26,747 73.8% 54.4% 3,804 90.9% 14.2%
OOS 6,385 10.3% 5,148 14.2% 80.6% 230 5.5% 4.5%
Int’l. 6,216 10.1% 4,357 12.0% 70.1% 153 3.7% 3.5%
H.S. Total 61,805 100.0% 36,252 100.0% 58.7% 4,187 100.1% 11.5%
Transfer CA Res 11,816 89.3% 6,918 90.5% 58.5% 1,658 95.9% 24.0%
OOS 308 2.3% 67 0.9% 21.8% 7 0.4% 10.4%
Int’l. 1,113 8.4% 659 8.6% 59.2% 63 3.6% 9.6%
Trx Total 13,237 100.0% 7,644 100.0% 57.7% 1,728 99.9% 22.6%
Combined CA Res 61,020 81.3% 33,665 76.7% 55.2% 5,462 92.3% 16.2%
OOS 6,693 8.9% 5,215 11.9% 77.9% 237 4.0% 4.5%
Int’l. 7,329 9.8% 5,016 11.4% 68.4% 216 3.7% 4.3%
Total 75,042 100.0% 43,896 100.0% 58.5% 5,915 100.0% 13.5%
UCSD High School CA Res 76,398 64.5% 21,700 53.6% 28.4% 5,199 68.9% 24.0%
OOS 20,852 17.6% 12,300 30.4% 59.0% 1,235 16.4% 10.0%
Int’l. 21,133 17.9% 6,496 16.0% 30.7% 1,109 14.7% 17.1%
H.S. Total 118,383 100.0% 40,496 100.0% 34.2% 7,543 100.0% 18.6%
Transfer CA Res 18,564 82.5% 10,071 82.7% 54.3% 2,868 79.8% 28.5%
OOS 564 2.5% 180 1.5% 31.9% 47 1.3% 26.1%
Int’l. 3,364 15.0% 1,924 15.8% 57.2% 679 18.9% 35.3%
Trx Total 22,492 100.0% 12,175 100.0% 54.1% 3,594 100.0% 29.5%
Combined CA Res 94,962 67.4% 31,771 60.3% 33.5% 8,067 72.4% 25.4%
OOS 21,416 15.2% 12,480 23.7% 58.3% 1,282 11.5% 10.3%
Int’l. 24,497 17.4% 8,420 16.0% 34.4% 1,788 16.1% 21.2%
Total 140,875 100.0% 52,671 100.0% 37.4% 11,137 100.0% 21.1%
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Updated post below.

See Posts #6 and #7

Campus Cohort Residence ∆ Apps. ∆ App. % ∆ Acc. ∆ Acc. % Δ Enr. Δ Enr. % Inc./(Dec.) CA
UCB High School CA Res 10,275 16.5% 31 0.3% 358 7.3%
OOS 2,968 10.0% (1,367) -32.9% (340) -29.3%
Int’l. 2,132 10.2% (437) -25.8% (222) -24.8%
H.S. Total 15,375 13.6% (1,773) -10.9% (204) -2.9%
Transfer CA Res (1,726) -9.7% 260 7.0% 23 1.0%
OOS (51) -7.2% 10 27.8% 5 22.7%
Int’l. (1,034) -28.0% 0 0.0% (6) -1.4%
Trx Total (2,811) -12.7% 270 6.3% 22 0.8%
Combined CA Res 8,549 10.7% 291 2.1% 381 5.4% 381
OOS 2,917 9.6% (1,357) -32.4% (335) -28.3%
Int’l. 1,098 4.4% (437) -19.4% (228) -17.4%
Total 12,564 9.3% (1,503) -7.3% (182) -1.9%
UCD High School CA Res 4,430 7.3% (2,583) -10.9% (768) -13.8%
OOS 1,248 13.1% (1,251) -16.4% 41 8.2%
Int’l. 1,934 11.6% (3,263) -29.4% (356) -25.1%
H.S. Total 7,612 8.7% (7,097) -16.7% (1,083) -14.5%
Transfer CA Res (2,455) -15.4% 205 2.6% (147) -5.5%
OOS (35) -9.7% (19) -30.2% 2 28.6%
Int’l. (742) -29.9% (595) -40.9% (58) -40.3%
Trx Total (3,232) -17.2% (409) -4.3% (203) -7.2%
Combined CA Res 1,975 2.6% (2,378) -7.5% (915) -11.1% (915)
OOS 1,213 12.3% (1,270) -16.5% 43 8.5%
Int’l. 1,192 6.2% (3,858) -30.7% (414) -26.5%
Total 4,380 4.1% (7,506) -14.5% (1,286) -12.5%
UCI High School CA Res 6,747 8.6% (13) -0.1% (9) -0.2%
OOS 2,659 22.7% (3,319) -38.5% (497) -51.2%
Int’l. 1,845 10.1% (2,569) -37.7% (319) -34.8%
H.S. Total 11,251 10.4% (5,901) -19.0% (825) -12.7%
Transfer CA Res (1,997) -9.1% 247 3.1% (50) -2.1%
OOS (37) -7.3% (38) -40.4% (13) -68.4%
Int’l. (1,008) -29.4% (741) -43.7% (221) -50.0%
Trx Total (3,042) -11.8% (532) -5.5% (284) -9.9%
Combined CA Res 4,750 4.8% 234 1.0% (59) -0.8% (59)
OOS 2,622 21.5% (3,357) -38.5% (510) -51.5%
Int’l. 837 3.9% (3,310) -38.9% (540) -39.7%
Total 8,209 6.1% (6,433) -15.8% (1,109) -11.9%
UCLA High School CA Res 7,406 8.8% (11) -0.1% 435 9.6%
OOS 1,263 3.8% (1,535) -33.2% (326) -24.1%
Int’l. 1,650 7.5% (638) -32.3% (231) -33.7%
H.S. Total 10,319 7.4% (2,184) -14.5% (122) -1.9%
Transfer CA Res (2,204) -9.4% 755 16.3% 371 12.6%
OOS (135) -14.3% 15 37.5% 13 61.9%
Int’l. (1,182) -29.0% (244) -31.6% (173) -36.9%
Trx Total (3,521) -12.4% 526 9.7% 211 6.1%
Combined CA Res 5,202 4.8% 744 5.7% 806 10.8% 806
OOS 1,128 3.3% (1,520) -32.6% (313) -22.8%
Int’l. 468 1.8% (882) -32.1% (404) -35.0%
Total 6,798 4.0% (1,658) -8.1% 89 0.9%
UCM High School CA Res 1,381 5.6% 2,055 9.3% (19) -0.8%
OOS 253 22.5% 241 30.6% (1) -20.0%
Int’l. 493 27.0% 401 37.0% 2 25.0%
H.S. Total 2,127 7.7% 2,697 11.2% (18) -0.7%
Transfer CA Res (657) -14.8% (310) -11.2% (54) -20.6%
OOS 3 3.5% 5 20.0% 0 0.0%
Int’l. (82) -19.3% (63) -22.9% (1) -16.7%
Trx Total (736) -14.8% (368) -12.0% (55) -20.5%
Combined CA Res 724 2.5% 1,745 7.0% (73) -2.7% (73)
OOS 256 21.2% 246 30.3% (1) -20.0%
Int’l. 411 18.3% 338 24.9% 1 7.1%
Total 1,391 4.2% 2,329 8.6% (73) -2.7%
UCR High School CA Res 1,159 2.6% 2,300 8.0% 175 3.5%
OOS 86 3.4% 104 5.0% 53 103.9%
Int’l. 762 15.7% 722 20.2% 142 86.1%
H.S. Total 2,007 3.8% 3,126 9.1% 370 7.1%
Transfer CA Res (1,532) -11.7% (1,115) -13.6% (589) -30.3%
OOS (15) -5.8% 13 18.1% (4) -44.4%
Int’l. (256) -19.0% (255) -26.1% (2) -1.9%
Trx Total (1,803) -12.2% (1,357) -14.7% (595) -28.9%
Combined CA Res (373) -0.6% 1,185 3.2% (414) -6.0% (414)
OOS 71 2.6% 117 5.5% 49 81.7%
Int’l. 506 8.2% 467 10.3% 140 51.7%
Total 204 0.3% 1,769 4.1% (225) -3.1%
UCSB High School CA Res 2,375 3.3% (265) -1.3% 180 4.9%
OOS 1,614 9.6% (785) -12.9% (53) -9.4%
Int’l. 1,375 7.8% (1,085) -22.5% (58) -8.9%
H.S. Total 5,364 5.1% (2,135) -6.9% 69 1.4%
Transfer CA Res (2,077) -11.9% 818 10.1% 16 0.9%
OOS (23) -5.4% 4 3.3% (4) -18.2%
Int’l. (837) -30.3% (617) -34.4% (15) -7.4%
Trx Total (2,937) -14.3% 205 2.0% (3) -0.1%
Combined CA Res 298 0.3% 553 2.0% 196 3.5% 196
OOS 1,591 9.2% (781) -12.5% (57) -9.7%
Int’l. 538 2.6% (1,702) -25.8% (73) -8.5%
Total 2,427 1.9% (1,930) -4.7% 66 0.9%
UCSC High School CA Res 3,870 7.9% (3,891) -14.5% (371) -9.8%
OOS 592 9.3% (314) -6.1% 45 19.6%
Int’l. (253) -4.1% (1,121) -25.7% (2) -1.3%
H.S. Total 4,209 6.8% (5,326) -14.7% (328) -7.8%
Transfer CA Res (1,239) -10.5% (420) -6.1% (506) -30.5%
OOS (5) -1.6% (2) -3.0% (1) -14.3%
Int’l. (274) -24.6% (123) -18.7% (9) -14.3%
Trx Total (1,518) -11.5% (545) -7.1% (516) -29.9%
Combined CA Res 2,631 4.3% (4,311) -12.8% (877) -16.1% (877)
OOS 587 8.8% (316) -6.1% 44 18.6%
Int’l. (527) -7.2% (1,244) -24.8% (11) -5.1%
Total 2,691 3.6% (5,871) -13.4% (844) -14.3%
UCSD High School CA Res 7,946 10.4% (1,583) -7.3% 82 1.6%
OOS 2,974 14.3% (4,834) -39.3% (571) -46.2%
Int’l. 1,926 9.1% (2,977) -45.8% (507) -45.7%
H.S. Total 12,846 10.9% (9,394) -23.2% (996) -13.2%
Transfer CA Res (1,683) -9.1% 164 1.6% (126) -4.4%
OOS (90) -16.0% (27) -15.0% (17) -36.2%
Int’l. (985) -29.3% (882) -45.8% (382) -56.3%
Trx Total (2,758) -12.3% (745) -6.1% (525) -14.6%
Combined CA Res 6,263 6.6% (1,419) -4.5% (44) -0.5% (44)
OOS 2,884 13.5% (4,861) -39.0% (588) -45.9%
Int’l. 941 3.8% (3,859) -45.8% (889) -49.7%
Total 10,088 7.2% (10,139) -19.2% (1,521) -13.7%
Total Decline
of CA Students (999)

Here’s the link to the following notes as well as the three spreadsheets on pages 1, 3, & 4.

Notes as pertaining to the above:

  1. The link to the first two of these spreadsheets is link, and the third spreadsheet is the difference between the two:
  • For applicants, in the first column, App22-App21; in the second column, column 1/App21 as a %;

  • For those accepted, in the third column, Acc22-App21; fourth column, column 3/Acc21 as a %;

  • For those enrolled, In the fifth column, Enr22-Enr21; sixth column, column5/Enr21, as a %;

  • The sixth column is the change in total California students each enrolled.

  1. The total CA students all nine UC campuses enrolled was 58,474 in 2021, and 57,475 in 2022, which are my numbers, based on totaling all the campuses individually, or a decrease of 999 CA students from 2021 to 2022. The All Incoming Students tab has 58,473 in 2021 and 57,472 in 2022, or a decrease of 1,001.

  2. Based on the above, I should have included the numbers totaling for all nine campuses, but I didn’t think that anyone would have an interest in the all-UC total, with my having used my prior template for these spreadsheets which didn’t include it.

  3. Based on note 3, it seems superficially that the UC undershot CA-student enrollment as a total and for most individual UC campuses except for UCLA which enrolled 806 additional CA students in 2022.

  • The most offending campuses in the decline were UCD which enrolled 915 less students and UCSC which enrolled 877 less from 2021 to 2022, and I didnt see any recent prior-year increases of CA students.

  • UCLA, UCB, and UCSD were supposed to enroll approximately 700 more CA students which the state legislature enacted in 2022 midyear, and according to the media, there was supposed to be a like decline in each of the three campuses enrollment of non-resident students. It’s hard to tell what UCB’s and UCSD’s thinking was. UCB, of course, had a fight with the city of Berkeley which wanted to control the University’s overall enrollment which could have had a drastic decline for 2022.

  • It’s possible maybe probable, too, that UCB and UCSD started their increases in CA-resident enrollment from 2020 to 2021. UCB had CA-resident enrollment of 6,647, 7,084, and 7,465, for the years 2020, 2021, and 2022, and UCSD had enrollments of 7,346, 8,067, and 8,023 for those same years. If UCB maintains ~ 7,500 and UCSD maintains ~ 8,000 this could be the set numbers for each with respect to CA-resident enrollment for the years in which non-resident enrollment will be at ~ 18%. UCB actually had non-resident enrollment of 20.5% for the combined entering high-school and transfer students; UCLA’s was 17.9% and UCSD’s was 16.6%.

  • Based on UCLA’s numbers of 7,197, 7,959, 7,489, 8,295, it looks like their target number of CA students could be ~ 8,000 similar to UCSD, because they overshot the 700-student increase of Californians by > 100 students. The numbers for all three vary quite a bit in CA student-admittances for the past decade, and it’s hard to get a fix on what the target numbers should be.

  • It’s clear that the other UC campuses need to increase CA-student enrollment and drastically.

  1. All nine UCs had extremely large declines in transfer applications of ~ 11-17%. This was probably most likely due to the virus. I would guess that the numbers will be back up to the year previous to 2022 for 2023.
  • International-student transfer-applicants were down even more, ~ 20-30% at most of the campuses.

  • Out-of-state student transfers are almost non-existent at all nine campuses, probably because those who want to attend UC do so at CA community colleges while becoming, say, tax-paying citizens of the state and simultaneously working on CA-residency for UC or CSU.

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Sorry to bother you @gumbymom, if you could, please delete posts 4 and 5, I’d be appreciative. I thought I would repost the spreadsheet in #6 and put my notes in #7, because I can’t edit five to include my notes. Thank you!


Excellent, thanks!

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