UC Preliminary Acceptance Rates for 2021

Preliminary Freshman Acceptance Rates for the UC’s are below. This is informational and data is subject to change. Here is a summary of the information presented.

  1. A record number of applicants for the 2021 admission cycle numbering 203,700 vs 2020’s numbers of 172,099. All campuses showed an increase in overall applications resulting in an overall decrease in acceptance rates across the board. Increases were seen in In-State CA applicants, OOS and International applicants with the exception of UCSC which showed a small decrease in the number of International applicants this admission cycle.

  2. Only UC Merced shows an increase in the acceptance rate of in-state CA students from 94% to 99.7%.

  3. UCI/UCD/UCM and UCSC show an increase in OOS students however the numbers can be deceiving since the matriculation rate for OOS admits is low for these campuses based on previous yield data. This is probably due to high OOS costs. The rest of the UC campuses either show no change or a decrease in OOS acceptances. Also these campuses get fewer OOS applicants vs. UCLA/UCB/UCSD.

  4. UCR is the only campus which had a slight increase in the International student acceptance rate: 74% vs. 71.7% 2020.

The data listed does not state if it includes deferrals from 2020.

UC admission rates for 2021:

Overall Admission Rates:

UCLA: 10.8%

UC Berkeley: 14.5%

UC Irvine: 29.0%

UC Santa Barbara: 29.2%

UC San Diego: 34.3%

UC Davis: 49.0%

UC Santa Cruz: 58.9%

UC Riverside: 66.0%

UC Merced: 95.6%

Admission Rates for California Applicants:

UCLA: 10.1%

UC Berkeley: 16.8%

UC Irvine: 20.1%

UC Santa Barbara: 28.0%

UC San Diego: 28.5%

UC Davis: 39.0%

UC Santa Cruz: 54.5%

UC Riverside: 64.0%

UC Merced: 99.7%

Admission Rates for Out-of-State Applicants (Domestic):

UCLA: 13.9%

UC Berkeley: 14.1%

UC Santa Barbara: 36.3%

UC Irvine: 74.0%

UC San Diego: 59.3%

UC Davis: 80.8%

UC Merced: 71.8%

UC Riverside: 85.7%

UC Santa Cruz: 82.2%

Admission Rates for International Applicants:

UCLA: 9.1%

UC Berkeley: 8.0%

UC San Diego: 30.9%

UC Santa Barbara: 27.4%

UC Irvine: 37.8%

UC Davis: 67.6%

UC Merced: 59.2%

UC Riverside: 74.0%

UC Santa Cruz: 70.2%

Source data: https://ucop.edu/institutional-research-academic-planning/_files/factsheets/2021/table-1.1-freshman-applications-by-campus-and-residency.pdf


Thank you gumbymom

Thank you @Gumbymom. Hopefully the in state acceptance goes up at UCLA and Berkeley due to the legislation limiting out of state/International at these universities.


Can someone answer what seems like should be two easily-researched questions, but I can’t find the answers:

  1. Do those GPAs listed above include first semester, senior year grades? Or are those numbers based solely on sophomore and junior year? I have a rising senior, and I’m trying to figure out if her GPA is now “set” for purposes of UC admission, or if next semester gets factored in.

  2. I’m assuming those numbers are for both in-state and out of state applications? Is there anywhere to find data on out of state admission numbers?

Thanks everyone!

There are no GPA’s listed on this discussion only overall acceptance rates. For admit rates based on GPA, the GPA listed is the capped weighted 10-11th grades only with an 8 semester Honors point cap. For OOS, only AP/IB or UC transferable DE courses are considered for the Honors point cap. Senior grades are not included nor Freshman grades.
The GPA’s are for all applicants: In-state,OOS and International.

Specifically for OOS, there is no breakout. You can select HS GPA (capped weighted UC GPA) and either CA public schools or other.

Here it is in table format for the 2021 data for all applicants. 2022 data should be out in Jan/Feb of 2023.

Campus 4.20+ 3.80-4.19 3.40-3.79 3.00-3.39
Berkeley 30% 11% 2% 1%
Davis 85% 55% 23% 10%
Irvine 60% 31% 14% 1%
Los Angeles 29% 6% 1% 0%
Merced 97% 98% 96% 89%
Riverside 97% 92% 62% 23%
San Diego 75% 35% 5% 1%
Santa Barbara 73% 28% 4% 1%
Santa Cruz 91% 81% 46% 9%

Numbers are from Freshman fall admissions summary | University of California

Thanks, my question was referring to the table that you just posted, but I somehow got mixed up as to which post it was in. But, your response answered my question! UC schools only consider GPA from 10th and 11th grade, and there isn’t a separate set of data for acceptance rates by GPA for out of state students. Thanks!

UCB and UCLA use to have a breakout of IS/OOS and International GPA ranges for admitted students but no longer. The data I saw in previous years showed higher GPA ranges for OOS and International students vs IS. This is mainly due to self selection with smaller admission pools along with cost considerations. When full pay, OOS students are usually targeting the top UC’s for admission.

That’s helpful - thank you!