Here are the numbers for freshmen accepted and entering in 2021

The UCLA admissions website hasn’t initiated 2021 numbers, so here’s the a link to University of California system UCOP Data

Applications Accepted Acc. Rate Est. Enroll Approx Yield % by Res.
CA Resident 84,148 8,369 9.9% 4,436 53.0% 71.8%
Out of State 33,383 4,636 13.9% 1,159 25.0% 18.8%
International 21,932 1,999 9.1% 580 29.0% 9.4%
Total 139,463 15,004 10.8% 6,175 41.2% 100.0%

I estimated yield for each resident cohort based on recent history. This resulted in my guessimating that residents of CA would ~ 72% of the freshman class, which may be a bit low. My estimate that 53% yield for CA residents though seemingly high based on recent past, might in fact be low for them based on university estimates for this year. The 25% yield of OOS students might also be a bit high – it may end up being 23-24%. The internationals are a hard read because their yields have been all over the map.

But the point is that the acceptance rate based on the link shows at 10.8%, and these were given by the UCOP website. In admissions decisions it read approximately that “less than 1 in 9 were accepted for the class entering 2021.” 1/9 of course is = 11.1%, so the 10.8% A/R is on point.

The past two years of acceptance rate were 12.4% and 14.4% for the respective years of 2019 and 2020. The 14.4% for last year’s class was elevated, of course, because of the virus. Edit: and of course, the A/R dropped quite a bit this year because of the massive increase in applications.