2022 UC Admissions Chart

I request help with finding data. There was a great post somewhere here that had an embedded spreadsheet that broke down 2022 admissions numbers by UC school, OOS/In-State, FTF/Transfer, etc. I believe the thread was a discussion on increases (or lack of) in-state acceptances at each schools. I’ve looked everywhere but can’t seem to find it. TIA!

Here is the discussion link: http://talk.qa.collegeconfidential.com/t/final-2022-uc-admissions-numbers-by-campus-for-freshmen-transfers/

Note there are a couple of revised versions further into the original post.

@sawadeeka This is also a helpful dashboard, if you like filtering by campus and other cuts of the data. Not sure if this direct link was embedded in the thread that Gumbymom cited.

The 2023 admissions data is not yet available, that will come out later in the summer, often by early- to mid-August, once all the UC campuses have closed their waitlists and the President’s Office publishes the systemwide data set.

Perfect! Thank you so much!

That’s it! Thank you so much!

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Here’s preliminary UC freshman admissions data for each campus as of 6/27/23, but only for in-state applicants. Numbers are still moving, as I believe Berkeley pulled more students off the waitlist in early July.

Quick glance at the admitted student count suggests it was slightly easier to get into UCLA and UC Berkeley this year vs. last year, and that UC Irvine is one heck of a tough admit these days, even for CA students.

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I’m assuming the GPA on this chart is UC capped weighted, but I’m not quite sure how to interpret the numbers in the last column (A-G courses and Honors courses). Does this number refer to courses taken for all 4 years of high school (9th-12th) or is it for a subset of the HS years?

Yes, that GPA looks like a UC capped weighted GPA. I assume the A-G and honors courses are # of semesters. I’m thinking that they are looking at # of semesters from summer after 9 to summer after 11, with DE counting twice.

Hmm! I just looked a little closer at the numbers and I am guessing it’s for all 4 years. I’m looking at UC Merced which is listing a middle 50% of 44-51 total A-G courses, which would correspond to an average of around 6 A-G courses per semester, over 8 semesters. That’s about what I would expect in terms of number of regular high school courses, and I’m guessing the average Merced student isn’t going to have a whole lot of DE or summer courses. Or am I misinterpreting something?


Based on last year’s final Freshman admission summary:

A-G courses – the number of yearlong college preparatory courses completed or planned in 9th-12th grades

Honors courses – the number of yearlong courses taken or planned in 10th-12th grades. These are Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate Higher Level (IB HL) and designated Standard Level (IB SL) courses, UC-transferable college courses and (for students from CA high schools) UC-certified honors courses

HS GPA – High school Grade Point Average - Weighted, capped high school GPA (where extra points up to 8 semesters, no more than 4 in the 10th grade are added to the GPA


No doubt that @lkg4answers is correct that this is UC capped weighted GPA. Last year, UCLA’s reported uncapped weighted GPA mid-50% range was 4.40 - 4.73, and UC Berkeley uncapped weighted GPA mid-50% range was 4.31 - 4.66. The ranges in the report I linked are definitely capped, and as @gumbymom confirmed, capped weighted GPA reporting is what the UC Office of the President typically reports.

On the A-G course counts, I think @tamagotchi is right. 8 semesters * 6 A-G courses = 48 total, which seems right in the range.

By early- to mid-August, UCOP and the schools will release final Fall 2023 admissions data in a coordinated release on the same day, but this was the first view I saw of preliminary data on Fall 2023 admits by campus for California residents.

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