Hello! Advice needed for an Ivy. [NY resident, 90.65/1560, pre-med]

OP, it’s good that you have come here because I am sure you are better informed now, at the very least. You can get a lot of great information all over this site.

It would be great if your parents were more aware of the world of holistic admissions at highly rejective schools.

This might give you more insight. It’s from 2019, so the info about test scores isn’t as accurate, but it’s still a relevant thread.

A competitive high school with a known name is helpful, but I’m not sure it makes up for a lower GPA and a relative lack of rigor. Especially not when there will be dozens of others in your cohort who might well have a higher level of rigor and will also be applying to those same schools. Remember that there are many excellent high schools, including privates, all over the country. There are simply not enough seats at the very top schools for everyone who wants to go there.

I would really try to solidify your safeties. If your school has Scoir or Naviance, utilize it.