Howard Class of 2025 EA/ED/RD

Hello, saw that the forum is pretty empty so decided to create some discussions.
I am an International student and I applied EA to Howard. It’s one of my top choice cause my seniors who went to Howard are doing some great things rn (lol I sound like Trump).

And how are you all doing? If I get accepted this early December, sure am coming to Howard!

I have decent test scores and grades/GPA: nearly 1400 SAT, 3.8 ish GPA (Idk, school doesn’t do GPA). Two of my recent seniors got accepted into Howard with basically similar stats. They got the capstone scholarship and one had his tuition fee waived. If I do get accepted this year, what are the chances that I get a similar scholarship, given the coronavirus?

And lets make this thread more lively!

hiii i wanted to apply EA but I missed the deadline so Im hoping they’ll grant an extension. idk I’m interested enough to apply rd tbh

@ramkotkoboy, I can speak about Howard in some detail as a Howard Parent with 2 kids who are currently attending Howard on Full Ride Scholarships (Karsh STEM Scholars). Your academic stats will probably make acceptance a mere formality and you will probably be offered similar scholarships that your former schoolmates received. 2020 has been a record year for Howard from a fundraising perspective so good luck to you in your chase for merit aid.

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Really excited for when the decision comes out. HU is the only school I have applied to, I plan to major in Film (Communications). I was worried about whether my GPA and SAT scores would be good enough, I have a 2.97 (basically 3.0) and my best SAT score was 1140; but from the virtual information sessions they conduct over zoom and further research on my own, I gather that even though my academic performance hasn’t been top-notch, my early decision application shows them that their school is all I really want. My grades have been on an upward trend over the course of my high school career, which I have heard colleges notice. I think due to my activities section and my essays, I’ll get in. I guess we’ll have to find out in a few days! #HU25

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hey guys
howard’s one of my top choices so i can’t wait till their results come out.
has anyone gotten their decisions yet?

also, @ChangeTheGame, is it ok if I ask what programs your children are studying?
I plan to apply for the BSMD program but I’m just a bit confused with everything lol.

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Hey @seyedehznab. My older kid is a Chemistry major with a Math and Arabic minor and my freshman is a Computer Engineering major with a CS, Math, and Japanese minor. There are no BSMD students in my kids scholarship program because the Karsh program is looking for students who are only shooting for either an MD/PhD or a PhD in a STEM discipline, but the BSMD program is probably the most exclusive program at Howard and the students who are selected tend to get offered significant HUFS (Howard University Freshmen Scholarships) up to a full ride in past years.

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Howard has released Admissions decisions the last 3 years for Early Action applicants on the 2nd Friday/early Saturday morning in December (my kid received his early Saturday morning on 12/14 last year). So you will be receiving a decision soon (Especially since Howard closes for Winter Break starting on December 16th). Also be aware to check your spam/junk e-mail folders as early correspondence from Howard University flowed into those e-mail folders for many applicants last year.


i will be sure to check my spam folder
thank you so so much :blush:

ok, thank you so much!
i hope the best for your kids, they got this!!:slight_smile:


Hey everyone! Two days ago the Howard admissions twitter said that decisions come out December 18th via email

ohhh so they don’t have a portal?

I’m not sure I thought we would get portal information the night we needed to see our decisions and there might still be one I’m not sure but the tweet said “via email”

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Did they? U sure? I didn’t see it. CC says it will be released today. And isn’t Howard supposed to be closed from 16th of December. Im so anxious!

Three days ago @HowardAdmissions twitter said “Hi Eja! We hope all is well. Decisions are currently slated to be released on December 18, 2020 via email. As our team continues to work diligently during these unprecedented times to render final decisions, we will provide an update next week on the status of notifications.” they tweeted this at 8:01 pm on 12/7/20 and you can find the tweet on their twitter page under the tweets & replies section.

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Cant wait for it lol. Just got a rejection from a school for which I was very competitive (rejected bc of financial consideration). Was hoping an acceptance from HU today would compensate for the grief that I am feeling.

@ramkotkoboy, you definitely want to look at Howard’s social media posts as the factual date for admissions decision and they may even give you a time (although they have been hours late in the past which has caused some angst with a lot of EA applicants) once it gets closer to admissions day. Last year, my son received a scholarship offer about 2 weeks after the admissions decision came for those of you who are looking for an estimated time line with merit aid offers, but you would have needed to finish your FAFSA before the priority deadline.


Anyone receive their decision letter yet? The HU website shows the 18th, but the school closes for Winter break tomorrow… I feel like all I’ve been doing is waiting lol


Does financial aid come out with the decision?

Just wanted to say good luck to everyone for tomorrow!! We got this