Macalester College Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

This year, the Early Action (EA) / Early Decision (ED) deadline for the Macalester College is November 1.

List your unweighted GPA, any SAT /ACT scores, and ECs. What majors are you going into?
Ask your questions, the CC community is here to help!

4.0/4.8 GPA
3 sport varsity athlete (recruited at Mac for one of them)
Probably going test optional, had positive pre read that didn’t ask for scores

Applying EA, need max merit scholarship to consider attending (we don’t qualify for any need based aid)
My D loves this school! We have visited twice.


Where are you from? My son was recruited too. We just dropped him off last week. We are from San Diego. The school is amazing.
We talked to many parents on the move-in day. One parent told us that Macalester was not even his daughter’s first choice initially, but more they learned about Macalester, the more they liked this school. At the end Macalester became her first choice.
This year Macalester’s acceptance rate was 25%. California is No1 state they draw students from. Next year the acceptance rate could be less than 20%. Last year his UW GPA was 3.86. He only took ACT once, and it was 33.

We are from San Diego also!

Decisions are coming out today?

I think ED comes out earlier than EA?

I’m so anxious for my decision. Here are my stats:

1500 SAT (720 EBWR + 780 Math)
GPA: 94/100
Class rank: 5/63
I attend a public high school in Ankara/Turkey that does not offer AP classes

Strong activities in public speaking and social justice with leadership positions and awards (debate, MUN, women’s solidarity club, student government, translation work for social media activism) + study abroad in Madrid and Spanish language and culture club

unique aspects: trilingual, low income, us citizen living abroad

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Good luck! Hopefully EA decisions come out today.

Anyone hear?

What time did they notify ED?

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We have not (as of 3:15PM EST).

Do you know when EA decisions are coming out?

I think on Dec. 20.

Their website said for Early Action, December 21st is the latest, which is Wednesday. I hope it comes out sooner!

Son did get a second survey yesterday asking him to reconfirm that he had not been admitted anywhere else by ED. They asked for a response by Tuesday, 12/20 so I’m guessing that means EA decisions won’t be released before then.

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Agree. I think that it is likely that they stall in order to eliminate all potential EA folks that they would admit, but that have already been accepted for ED elsewhere. In this way, they can make a slight improvement to their yield statistics (in that their yield goes down for every EA admit decision that turns them down due to ED somewhere else).

A pain, but given elite college obsessions with acceptance rate, yield, etc., I can understand it - and appreciate that Macalester at least offers an EA option, rare among elite LACs.


Makes sense! My son is enduring the wait much better than I am. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Any news anyone? My kiddo is stressed!!

Nothing here! Hopeful it is released sooner rather than later
Super nervous!

On their website, it says that they release ea results by Dec 21, so hopefully, they come out today!

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