So, what do you think of the new board?

So, is anyone having issues with the posting area minimizing when typing… I’m typing strangely on the left size that minimizes as soon as I start typing, but see it on the right side of the screen. This is on the iPad.

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I do not like the new platform. When we get our bookmarks and PMs back, I will tolerate it to be able to read the Parent Cafe (and very occasionally glance at other areas). I will probably only use it on my desktop, though.


I’ll get used to the new presentation, but really don’t like that when I go to a thread it doesn’t take me to the last post I have read. That annoys me.


Also nor liking all the circles with our letters or pictures. Don’t need it and it takes so much room and is too busy. But, I do like the nice font that is easy to read.


I’m on a laptop, so don’t have phone or pad problems. It also takes me to the first unread post once I have visited a thread post change in system.

I like having all of the forum options easily available from the main page with those with new posts in them noted. Before it was difficult for me to get to the pre-med section and now it isn’t.

I’m ok with replying. I miss the helpful button, though am learning how to do emojis vs just the heart. I like that one can hover over an emoji to see who also clicked it vs the heart that only gives numbers. Knowing who liked what gives me a sense of personality - old board and this one.

I dislike the scrolling and it’s still to be determined just how much data this site uses. That will determine if I can stay or how much I can be on here. I don’t have the ad problems I first encountered, so that’s a plus, but sometimes I have to disconnect the internet after I leave and reconnect to get other sites to work making me think this one is continuing to plow on after I leave. It only happens sometimes, so it could be due to an ad vs the site itself. My computer fan is always on with this site. Something seems wrong with that.

I like being able to see replies in real time, but I expect that is part of the problem with the data.

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Having the same weird typing issues (what I am typing isnt showing up in the box and I have to retype it reloads and jumps around all over the place) and the avatar option won’t connect to/upload pictures on phone or ipad (where they are stored). Sorry— very frustrating and not a pleasant experience.

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Ok, so you can only see a couple of names on emojis - change that to a dislike as I definitely prefer to look at those to get a sense of people, not just the post.

Also, the site has locked up on me twice this morning. I didn’t have that happen yesterday. Sunday mornings it’s not usually an internet speed issue (with other sites anyway).

There are plenty complaints - and a few tips - if you go to the Community Forum Issues - there is a thread that says “Welcome…”

I was able to change my avatar but it seems pointless in that they are very small and can’t really see the photo or really distinguish who is who.

I also don’t like the notification #'s on my avatar. Much of those numbers just mean that someone has used the reply button on my post -but not necessarily to me.

I’ll give the forum a shot. Plenty of indications that they are collecting data on users - your location, your device, your length of time on the site, etc.


If they’re trying to get location from my device, it usually lists the closest store to me in NJ. It takes me a few hours to get to NJ. They best not think the data is always accurate.

I have to watch that with internet shopping! Once I had to quickly cancel an order once I saw where I was supposed to be picking it up…

I tried going to the community and forum issues. Saw a list of new instructions as to what would be posted there. Then the site crashed in my phone.

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I miss the like, agree, etc. buttons. I tried to take a cue from something I saw @Creekland do - pick an emoji to match what you want to say - like a sad face for sad, the “100” for 100% agree, etc. Maybe we can create our own language. :slight_smile: It’s another whole step though.

At least on the emoji page you can search for an emoji - there are so many that is overwhelming.

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I am struggling on my iPhone. Ads block content, it jumps, freezes and crashes.


Ditto- its almost unusable on the phone. Tried to go to the page with the “video “and instructions. Crashed every time, and no way to scroll past it or post.


They have known your IP address location for many years. That’s not new.

It’s totally unusable for me on my phone.
I’m also having issues needing to close out and go back in from my laptop and then needing to click the icon a number of times before it actually loads.

It’s way slower than the old site, especially on my phone.

I’ll give it another week but I have more than one foot at the door at this point.

Quick summary - I hate the new board.


I still get dumped at the top of a thread, not where I left off. Very annoying.

Yes, slow.

Again, I need to know who originated a thread. There are folks, eg, who repeat their questions, some who ask a string of questions they could easily find answers to, those who argue, etc. I’d prefer to skip those, not click, only to find it’s not worth it.


And when I scroll, I often get to a blank white page with no obvious way out.

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IP address may not be new but many people don’t know about it - and the other info gathered - well, again people should be aware and then participate knowing what info is tracked.

I am not a fan of being taken to the top of the thread; I preferred being sent to my last-read post. Other than that, I have too many complaints to list … so I am realizing that the updates are probably not aimed at me. Rather than complain, I will just have to evaluate whether or not it’s worth the effort to continue on CC. I will give it some time & see how it goes.


If it’s a thread I’ve been on since the roll out - like this thread or the say it here thread - I come right to the next thread to read, not the beginning.

I wonder why it works correctly for some of us and not others? Does being on a laptop have something to do with it? Or anything I played around with in settings while I was exploring?