So, what do you think of the new board?

Alright, folks experiencing issues, I have something for you to try:

  1. Go to your profile icon and choose Preferences–> Interface
  2. For Theme, change it to “Light”
  3. Click Save Changes
  4. Hard refresh your browser

Let us know if the experience is better. A few caveats about this mode:

  • This is a “safe or stripped-down mode” only available to registered users
  • The font will change.
  • Some links and other hamburger menu functionality may be missing or non-functional
  • This mode could go away (revert to the normal theme) at any time as we adjust things

Please only do this if you are experiencing issues. If you switch the theme and don’t have issues, you may start experiencing them!

The ultimate solution to this problem is for us to bring our entire advertising operations in-house (like we did in our migration away from our previous forum platform). We currently we depend on a 3rd-party to implement ads on the site, but bringing that in-house will allow us to better customize how/when/where we show ads. We plan to do this in the next month. Thanks for all your patience everyone and let me know if the “safe-mode” helps with anything.