Status update for December 15, 2020

This is a quick update to a few changes that we made yesterday:

  • I re-alphabetized the School Forums. I’ve also discovered what I believe to be the cause of the problem. This is somewhat of a temporary solution because a giant list of schools is difficult to organize. I hope to have more information in January.

  • It’s no longer possible for regular users to see edits. Moderators and admins can still see a history of edits to track down abuse. But other people won’t be able to see your spelling mistakes and whatnot.

  • We’ve changed the strategy for automatic links. Instead of linking to school pages, we’re linking to specific school forums. CC forums are uniquely valuable and links help reduce the friction for discovering new topics. Not all schools are linked yet.

  • I’ve increased the number of likes people can give in a day. The new platform limits the rate that likes are given and a few people have hit the daily limit. We can adjust this further, but as of now Senior Members can give 150 likes a day, Members 100 and everyone else 50. If you find yourself repeatably running into that limit, please let me know.

  • I haven’t noticed the battery drain problem since we deployed a fix yesterday. I didn’t get much feedback on my poll, so I assume no news is good news. If you still see a problem, please vote in the poll and let us know what platform you are using. (And if we fixed the problem, that’s useful to know too!)