"The End of Faking It in Silicon Valley" - The New York Times


The original article from The New York Times (behind paywall):
The End of Faking It in Silicon Valley - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

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In an environment of way too much money chasing a relatively few number of quality startups this was bound to happen. Our current environment is much different, but now there appears to be a flight to quality, so the “real” startups are still doing well


Number one red flag: a founder that has no track record of any kind. No peer reviewed publications, no prior experience, just a very promising sales pitch. Of course, track record is not a guarantee of future performance.

Sadly, I have a feeling history will repeat itself. At a local collegiate business plan competition, the grand prize went to a Theranos-like idea… zero chance of success, but the judges fell for it.