UCLA Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

I have started a Waitlist/Appeal discussion for UCLA applicants.

Below is some previous years data and information regarding the Waitlist and Appeal process. The Waitlist admits will vary from year to year, so there is no way to gauge your chances of being admitted. Fill out the questionnaire if you would like to opt into the wait list, then move on to your other acceptances. You can submit New grades/Schedule along with New accomplishments for the Waitlist.

2021 data:
Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list: 15242
Number accepting a place on the waiting list: 9897
Number of wait-listed students admitted: 214

2020 data:
Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list: 14470
Number accepting a place on the waiting list: 9254
Number of wait-listed students admitted: 1779

Number accepting a place on the waiting list: 7153
Number of wait-listed students admitted: 965

Here is a link to the appeal process and you cannot appeal if you are on the Waitlist.

2021 Appeals data:
1,227 appeals received
2 appeals admitted.

Please be aware of what is considered “New and Compelling Information”
When we talk about presenting “new” information, we mean information not already presented in the original application (e.g. classes that were not listed as AP or Honors that should have been, additional coursework, etc.) — information that clearly shows the student to be stronger than had been earlier evidenced. High grades received in the senior year, recently acquired awards or additional extracurricular activities are not a basis for the reversal of a decision since decisions are based on academic information that was available at the time of application.


Do UC’s require/suggest an essay of continued interest to accept a spot on the waiting list?

Some UC’s have a waitlist essay where you could indicate your level of interest but it is not a consideration in the original application review.

UCD requires a waitlist essay.

UCLA has a waitlist question and you submit updated grades/schedule and accomplishments.

UCB has a waitlist essay optional where you can express interest.

For the rest of the UC’s, just by opting into the waitlist shows demonstrated interest in the campus.


Thank You :pray:

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Class of 2026 UC General Discussion Thread

Does anyone know if TFT College has waitlist?

Thank you for this!

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Thank you for this! Any insight on why '2021 Number of wait-listed students admitted: 214 ’ is drastically lower compared to previous years? For those who do get off the waitlist, will 1st major choice guaranteed? Thanks!

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2020 data is an outlier due to Covid. 2021 data is low for the majority of UC’s since many applicants took a gap year and then applied so are larger # of applicants and the UC’s allowed some students from 2020 to defer. Not sure if UCLA allowed many deferrals.

UCLA only guarantees to review your 1st choice major.

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Got it, thank you!

Hi @Gumbymom.
Do you think that immediately accepting the WL offer from UCLA is beneficial, or is OK to wait a week or so?

It does not matter when you opt into the waitlist. It is not based on first in, first off.


We noticed that it’s possible to accept the spot and then go back sometime before April 15 and add the additional info to the box.

Yes, you can accept the waitlist spot and then go back in and make changes or additions to the information prior to the April 15th deadline which means they will not look at any information until after that date.


Oh, so does this mean we can see where all else she gets in and decide whether UCLA is her first choice before opting into the wait list?

Yes, you have until April 15th to submit your opt in for the UCLA waitlist.

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Thank you!

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What is the earliest & latest that UCLA will notify waitlisted applicants about acceptance? I saw someone who was notified May 2nd. Is it a rolling admission process? Or will everyone be notified the same time?

The earliest would be after the April 15th opt in date for the waitlist which would be extremely rare. Usually after the May 1 SIR, you can see movement. They will start admitting students based on the # of spots open. Usually they are given 5-7 days to respond. If the spots are not filled, then they make more waitlist admit offers so it is rolling until all spots are filled.

For the latest it could go into well the summer if spots are not filled but highly unlikely.