UCLA Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

UCLA decisions will be posting soon so I have started the Waitlist/Appeal Discussion thread.

2022 Waitlist timeline:
Trickles of admits starting April 30. Waitlist closed on August 19.

Below is some previous years data and information regarding the Waitlist and Appeal process. The Waitlist admits will vary from year to year, so there is no way to gauge your chances of being admitted. Fill out the questionnaire if you would like to opt into the wait list, then move on to your other acceptances. You can submit New grades/Schedule along with New accomplishments for the waitlist opt in.

AO’s say their selections are generally a continuation of the regular admission process, with consideration given to students’ original scores from application readers and whether their intended areas of study fill enrollment holes that year along with the waitlist essay and updated course/grades.

2022 Waitlist data from Common Data set:
Offers: 16979
Opt ins: 11169
Admits: 367

2021 data:
Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list: 15242
Number accepting a place on the waiting list: 9897
Number of wait-listed students admitted: 214

2020 data:
Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list: 14470
Number accepting a place on the waiting list: 9254
Number of wait-listed students admitted: 1779

Number accepting a place on the waiting list: 7153
Number of wait-listed students admitted: 965

Here is a link to the appeal process and you cannot appeal if you are on the Waitlist.

Undergraduate Admission

Appeals to Freshman Admission Decisions

If you’d like to appeal your admission decision, read on to learn about our review and selection process, your options and FAQs.

2022 Appeals data:
1314 Appeals submitted
25 Appeals granted


Typically, what is the timeframe of the Waitlist admissions decision?


There is no typical timeframe for waitlist decisions. Usually admits will start after the May 1 SIR date but if spots open up prior to May 1 then UCLA will starting pulling from the waitlist. Every year varies.


What are some recommendations for the “additional info” in the waitlist acceptance form? I’m guessing they just want a letter of continued interest -esque response.

We accepted the waitlist and completed the additional info and will just wait and see but happy with Cal Poly so it’s a win win :blush: the WL acceptance stats are similar to the normal
Acceptance stats so we assume it unlikely but the one thing I’ve always told my kids is you don’t get what you don’t ask for :heartpulse:


I got in off of the waitlist 2 years ago


That is encouraging. Thanks! Any advice as far as what information to add to the “additional info” on the waitlist form? UCLA was my D’s top choice. She feels defeated given that a weighted 4.52 GPA, loads of ECs & APs, and ELC wasn’t good enough to be accepted.

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What was your major?

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Yes, but highlight what is new after the UC application submission and how the applicant would be an asset to UCLA.

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Question. UCLA admitted 12,825 students for the class of 2026. With the yield rate being around 50%. I would have thought approximately 6 thousand spots would be filled with waitlisted students, but the actual waitlist acceptance was less than 300. What am I missing?


According to the 2022 Freshman UCLA’s overall yield rate was 50% (there are variations between the colleges)
with 12,844 admitted and 6452 enrolled then you assume you have around 6422 that SIR’d by May 1. That actually leaves only 30 spots available if their target UCLA Freshman class was 6452. Taking into account some summer melt, the waitlist numbers make sense since not all admitted students off the waitlist will enroll if offered a place. The stats do not indicate how many admitted waitlist students actually accepted.


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Ahh… so the number of admitted students already takes into account the yield rate, and really the waitlist is in case their calc is off. Thanks.


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: UCLA Class of 2027 Official Thread

Does anybody know what the likelihood of getting off the waitlist for psychology is? Thus far I haven’t been rejected at any university, with the exception of the waitlist at UCLA … my PIQ’s were pretty decent I’d say, high stats, and I even got a supplemental questionnaire request. Still got waitlisted unfortunately and this was my dream school :frowning:

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No data on which majors are accepted off the wait list especially since L&S does not admit by major but in the past, the majority if admits will be from L&S.

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Daughter waitlisted for 2nd year in a row… didn’t get in off waitlist last year and took a gap year. Is volunteering abroad and reapplied. UCLA is her dream school so hoping for a win here. She was lucky enough to get into UCB (deferred from last year) but we live 3 miles from campus and is not so excited about being so close to home. Will keep our fingers crossed!

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Sorry to hear. Maybe if she doesn’t get off the waitlist again she can take her (presumably ample) AP credits and enroll in CC and get her 60 credits in one year instead of 2 and then enroll in UCLA as a transfer and then finish there (whether in 2, 3, or 4 years).

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Are there applicants who had an audition and ended up on the waitlist? Curious about the thoughts there… how did you feel the audition went?

Hello DD was WL for Molecular and Cellular Biology (MCB). She is super bummed as it is her dream school. So bummed that even her acceptance into UCSD for MCB plus some really good other options all pale.
Can you help me understand what would constitute an appeal. She will fill the WL form and will provide the additional details, but just trying to see what this appeal process is.
thanks for any info.