University of Pittsburgh Class of 2027 Official Discussion Thread

Overview of S19 being in the Honors College:

  1. He liked scheduling early.
    1.5) Had to add --He LOVES Honors classes and has taken A TON of them and you DO NOT have to be in the HC to take them!
  2. Saying you are in an honors college looks good on the outside and on future apps.
  3. He has had ZERO helpful advisement from the HC. Everything his non-major matched advisor told him is on the Honors website everyone can read.
  4. He never lived in Honors housing but chose the Healthcare LLC as an upperclassman and met his wicked smart NON-HONORS friends. (Both healthcare and engineering students)
  5. There are plenty of WICKED SMART NON-HONORS Pitt students that never even cared to apply to honors.
  6. A LOT of HC students have majors not in healthcare, sciences and engineering. Think Gender studies, classics, anthropology, etc.
  7. Do not let not getting into the HC change your decision if it’s the ONLY thing keeping you from enrolling in Pitt.

***Note about research-S19 has done research since freshman year. He got 1 credit each semester for doing it which applies to his major requirements for Neuroscience. Over the summer they did offer him pay if he did the same lab job over the summer. His job is at UPMC Children’s Hospital in the Rangos Research Center. He works with lab rats and mice. He found this research project on his own.