Updates to college search and cookie policy

CC has a comprehensive database of schools, but it’s not always easy to find the college you are looking for. We recently improved search so that it uses common abbreviations:

Notice it also shows all the schools that have “usc” in their names somewhere. This can produce some odd results, but we think this behavior is more useful than what we had previously.

(By the way, we are working on updating the forum search too. In particular, the updated search will prioritize exact matches in the title, which should help with a longstanding request. I’ll announce when this change comes to CC.)

The second thing you will notice is a cookie settings popup:

For the moment, it’s not shown on the forums. After you make your choice, the cookie settings can be changed by selecting this icon on the bottom of the screen:

Screenshot 2023-03-30 at 2.39.32 PM

As much as I would prefer to not have this annoying banner, we are committed to following relevant regulations when it comes to your privacy.

We welcome your feedback below, but be aware that we are somewhat constrained in what we can do in this case.

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