Villanova University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2024 Admission

This is the official thread for those applying EA/ED to Villanova University.

List your unweighted GPA, any SAT /ACT scores, and ECs. What majors are you going into?
Ask your questions, the CC community is here to help!

My son is an admissions assistant in Admissions, he shared the following:
Villanova received 1,209 ED 1 applications
Plans to admit around 60% of them
Best of luck to everybody


Thanks for sharing, @RepublicAdmission! Is there a set date for when the decisions will be released?

How many EA applications did they get ?

Do you know how that compares to last year’s class?

Here are the numbers from the past two cycles (all data from the CDS)


 Total applicants = 24,410 – Admitted/rate = 6,162 (25.2%) - Enrolled (less waitlisted) = 1,711 (27.8% yield)
 Offered waitlist spot = 4,337 – Accepted spot on waitlist = 2,073 (47.8%)- Students on waitlist admitted = 56 (2.7% success rate)
 Male applicants = 10,940 – Admitted/rate = 2,950 (27.0%) - Enrolled = 779 (26.4% yield)
 Female applicants = 13,470 – Admitted/rate = 3,212 (23.8%) - Enrolled = 988 (30.8% yield)

 Early decision applicants = 1,288 – Admitted/rate = 768 (59.6%) – Percentage of total class = 43.5%
 EA/RD decision applicants = 23,122 - Admitted/rate = (23.3%)


 Total applicants = 23,834 – Admitted/rate = 5,576 (23.4%) - Enrolled (less waitlisted) = 1,727 (31.0% yield)
 Offered waitlist spot = 3,355 – Accepted spot on waitlist = 1,795 (53.5%) - Students on waitlist admitted = 36 (2.0% success rate)

 Male applicants = 10,834 – Admitted/rate = 2,767 (25.5%) - Enrolled = 858 (31.0% yield)
 Female applicants = 13,000 – Admitted/rate = 2,809 (21.6%) - Enrolled = 905 (32.2% yield)

 Early decision applicants = 1,467 – Admitted/rate = 815 (55.6%) – Percentage of total class = 46.2%%
 EA/RD decision applicants = 22,367 - Admitted/rate = (21.3%)

Reading into the numbers, there are a series of patterns have developed during the past few years:

  • Villanova now fills almost 50% of their incoming class through ED – which is commensurate with other to private schools of similar academic caliber. Increases enrollment predictability greatly because they are virtually guaranteed 100% yield through this cohort
  • Many of those ED acceptances are special circumstance applications such as athletes, legacy, etc. FYI, Villanova is very transparent here – the special circumstance application boost only applies for ED. They disregard in the EA/RD stages
  • Acceptance through the EA stage usually only occurs for applicants who truly stand out – like kids who would be candidates for their honors program. Academically qualified candidates are typically not rejected in this stage, but usually deferred and relegated to RD. Rejections do occur in this stage, but usually for candidates who have little to no shot at getting in
  • If trends hold, overall EA/RD acceptance rate will likely drop below 20% in this year’s cycle given the improvement in yield rates over the past several years – that’s a one in five shot at getting in
  • The business school is a tougher admit – 17% acceptance rate last year based on P&Q data – will probably approach 15% this cycle. Candidates should probably have taken at least calculus in HS to be considered. Nursing and engineering are also trending tougher.
  • Waitlist success is also trending downward – assume candidates will have a one in fifty shot at getting in
  • Test scores are trending upward, but that’s because the school has gone test optional and the only kids who report are those that have good scores. There are likely less test optional students admitted to the business and engineering schools. Those applicants typically have good test scores.

All of this reinforces the fact that Villanova is a great school and a tough admit. Good luck to all!


Hello, I wanted to see if someone could try to see what my odds are at getting into Villanova ED 1 for VSB

-Weighted GPA on a 4.0 scale is 4.47
-Submitted my first quarter senior grades, all As
-4 APs but not submitting scores, 2 college courses
-Applied test optional
-Hispanic, but not sure if that matters anymore
-ECs: Varisty girls golf captain, held 2 different jobs, Interact club officer, National English Honor Society book club committee leader, youth soccer referee volunteer, local town theathre production volunteer over the summer, girl scout member, received a community service award for my town (300+ hours), awarded by the National Hispanic Recognition Program, member in Spanish Honor Society, National Honor Society, and Social Studies Honor Society
-Unique family circumstances, brought notice to that in my essay
-Have an uncle as a legacy
-I also took an online calculus course over the summer since it did not fit in my school schedule so that I would meet the calculus requirement for VSB

If anyone could help me get a better idea since I’m not sure what to expect and also very nervous, that would be great, thanks!

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I think your stats look great and I’d guess you have a good shot at it since you applied ED1. One question…what does “weighted GPA on a 4.0 scale” mean for you. Generally a 4.0 scale is unweighted and the highest possible GPA is 4.0. A weighted GPA is on a different scale that generally would go higher than 4.0. But so many schools have different formulas. Do you know your unweighted GPA? Best of luck to you!

My son is considering applying ED2 to Villanova. Is it fair to expect that the acceptance rate for ED2 will be similar to ED1?

I don’t really know the answer to this but our school college counselor asked the AO this and they were told that ED1 is at least somewhat higher acceptance rate than ED2, but I don’t know by how much.

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We aren’t directly given an unweighted GPA so I only know my weighted out of the 4.0 scale, my school must have a weird way of doing it, thanks!

The business school is harder to get into than CAS. You can consider applying as an Economics major and transferring. My sons roommate did this.