<p>I went to the AT&T store to get an iPhone, and i heard that college students can get student discount (FAN discount) off from Data and Voice plans. So, I asked the person, and he showed me the book which listed most of the Southern California Schools. Somehow, "UCLA Teacher and Faculty" gets 15% off and the "UCLA student" gets 0%. So i checked with other schools, and all other Universities and Colleges including the Community Colleges receive 10-15% off from the plan. ONLY "UCLA STUDENT" was 0%. btw, UCSD Student gets free 200 text messages, but no discount on plan.
I was ****ed off, so i left the store...</p>
<p>should i go to a different AT&T store?
Does anyone have a discount (Plan) from AT&T?</p>
<p>This might be useful for other viewers...
*UCR, UCI, UCSB, Cal Poly Pomona, and most Community Colleges receive 15% discount from the plan.
*Cal Poly SLO receives 10% discount from the plan.</p>
<p>i don’t think theres any discount, i remember ATT told me being student might get me 15% off when i got my iphone and i don’t think they ever did…</p>
<p>I’m pretty sure there’s a verizon discount for students (I think about 15% or something). </p>
<p>And as for ATT - if you are planning on getting a part time job on campus, guess what? You are considered a UCLA staff member (in addition to being a student) so you would qualify for that discount :D</p>
Thank you for the wonderful reply.
I got my iPhone today in Apple Store, but i was not 18 yet so they will not let me apply the discount…
I just need to transfer my service to my name when i become 18.
Also, I went to a different AT&T Store and they told me that I can get 10% discount off from the plan. At least, it is better than 0%… I wonder why each stores is different???
Before going, I called AT&T by phone, and they told me that UCLA Students get discounts, and the guy was laughing about the 0% discount. lol
He told me that there is a discount, but he could not see a percentage. He told me that the range will be 10-25%, and he said he will give me the 20% and waive for the activation fee(Im not really sure). Since, I needed the phone right now, i rejected the offer (I thought that i could do at the stores) and the iPhone was out of stock in the AT&T Store, so i chose the Apple Store.</p>
<p>So, I recommend getting discount by phone (I did not try it)… Sorry if you could not get the 20% discount.</p>