I am currently taking AP Computer Science C, Physics Honors, Pre Calc Honors, American Literature Honors, US History (regular) and International Buisness (regular). I’m pretty sure I am going to get a B in my english course but I am not sure if I should drop it or stick with it. If i drop it it will not appear on my transcript. Ideally, I would like to attend a UC (maybe not Berkely or LA). Here are my stats from pervious years:
Overall GPA (9-12, unweighted): 3.68
Overall GPA (10-12, unweighted): 3.75
Freshman Year:
PE (A, A), Symphonic Band (A, A), Biology (A, A), French (B, A), Literature (B, A), Geometry (B, B)
Sophomore Year:
French 3 (A, A), Java (A, A), World Literature (A, A), World History (A, A), Chemistry Honors (A, B), ALgebra 2/Trig (B, B)
I also play school + club volleyball (1 year junior varsity, 2 years varsity) and swimming (3 years varsity), and am a general officer of a volunteering club at my school as well as 2 honor societies
What should I do?