1) hotels for move-in? 2) stores for dorm room stuff?

<p>My D decided to attend band camp, so she gets to move in on the 15th - so I'm planning on hitting BBB and Target while she's busy during the day. </p>

<p>She's also in the mode of needing only "flip-flops and shorts" and can't see what all the fuss is about, but I know that when its time to go, she's going to want all of her <em>stuff</em>with her. So Im thinking I'll have my work cut out for me when we get there!</p>

<p>Does anyone know of a fridge rental service? I really don't want to buy/lug/and then store one. I know at my S's school they offer a rental for school year - deliver and pick up as well.</p>

<p>Okay...Lets see if I can help here....</p>

<p>The issue of purchasing the "back to school" bundle (computer, etc.) through the tech center. We did this when son started two years ago. From a parents point of view, this was great! Very easy to deal with the tech center. We did everything on-line and the computer was there waiting for him when we got on campus. Excellent price (much cheaper than dealing with Dell direct.) Great service and support from the University. Now...from kids perspective. He's thrilled as well with the support, set-up help, and everthing associated with the school and the warranty etc. He is disappointed with Dell itself however. (Although the last problem wasn't as large as first expected). Now let me say this though, he has not had anymore trouble than we have had with either our Dell, nor our Gateway. Maybe it is just our families bad luck, but it seems we crash hard drives like most people change underwear...LOL He is wanted a new Apple (says folks down there swear by them) but would purchase through the tech center again in a heartbeat.</p>

<p>wish...son is living in Eaton this summer. He personally said he sees little difference between Eaton and Mahoney/Pearson and can't understand why the Eaton rooms are considered premium. It's always the first to go full at sign-in (other than apts.) So with your son being there, even with a lower number for sign-in next year if he likes Eaton he will have priority for staying in same room. This could be a good thing!! ;) He may have to go a little different route to make friends, but from what I've read hear about your son, I don't see him having problem #1 in that area. Especially since he's already made friends with his LaCrosse playing. </p>

<p>ctmom...I'm sorry I don't know of a frige rental service. We bought son's frig very economically however at Sears. A couple things to consider when looking at them either way you go......Size. Don't opt for the cube size. Too small for much of anything, and usually no freezer capacity at all. We went with a larger model and he has taken every advantage with it. Able to store a lot of food as well...Also regarding storage....I can't speak for your daughter but my son found that storing stuff down there during summer breaks was a whole lot easier than lugging stuff back and forth. He stored his frig, microwave, and most everything, only bringing home his clothes and personal items that he would need to get through the summer. He and 5 buddies found a storage facility very close to campus, and all 5 put their stuff in and the cost therefore was minimal. I think it came out to like 10.00 per month for each of them. For 30.00 for the summer....it was well worth it not to have to worry. It also made the next falls move-in very convenient. We didn't HAVE to help (we did since he forgot some things and we were in the area anyway), but it sure made my job easier. LOL. Just make sure they know who will arrive first on campus the next semester so that all will have access to the key when they need it. </p>

<p>I can't say I'm envious of you all, because I remember the questions and nervousness I was feeling when son was getting ready to start....but I enjoy reading everyone's thoughts here, and can say that I am a little jealous of not feeling "needed" anymore.</p>

<p>Wish-so glad you're back. Hope you had a great time. We checked out the move-in website and it says that collegeboxes will be delivering on campus 8/19,20,22 & 25. <a href="http://www.miami.edu/residence/MoveInAug2005/HousingCheck_In_FAQ_Aug2005.pdf%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.miami.edu/residence/MoveInAug2005/HousingCheck_In_FAQ_Aug2005.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>ctmom-check out this website for appliance rental/purchase at Miami. <a href="http://www.dormsupply.com/uom.htm%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.dormsupply.com/uom.htm&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>A lot of move-in info is at <a href="http://www.miami.edu/residence/move-in/%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.miami.edu/residence/move-in/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Can you tell that S has been away and I've had too much time on my hands to go over this stuff? :)</p>

<p>The Biltmore has a great room deal during the summer for UM students and their families.</p>

<p>Thanks, 1tcm, for the info on Eaton. I'll pass it along although not sure S can hear it at the moment. </p>

<p>As I think about it - all the worry about dorm assignments - I have a sense that if he had gotten his first choice dorm, he'd be worrying about roommates; if his roommate was his best friend, he'd be worrying about getting cool kids on the corridor; etc. Maybe he just needs something to channel all that nervous energy about this big move to college. (As an aside, when my older D left for college, her jaw locked (as in mild TMJ) a few days before and I channeled all my worry on how she'd adjust by worrying about how she'd get treated if it was necessary, in a small, isolated midwestern town.... It all worked out though.)</p>

<p>Hi, My 3, yes, I know that's what the website says. The woman on the phone at college boxes said the only people who get stuff delivered before the first day of classes are kids who used them to store stuff over the summer. Everything else comes UPS and only when UM allows UPS to deliver. Not sure quite what to think or who to believe....</p>

If you are going to buy a frig, you may want to double check some pricing. I followed your link (very helpful thanks!) just out of curiousity. Then went and checked sears where we got CaneGuys. The same size frig that dormsupply has for 209.00, Sears has their Kenmore for 159.00. A larger frig can be bought at sears for 219.00. Please don't get me wrong, I don't work for Sears or anything ;) I just am one of those bargain shoppers. This must be the same company that has rugs/carpets on campus on move-in days. This is another place that you can save if you so choose. We went to Home Depot and had carpet cut for room dimensions in Stanford. Got it for 80.00. The rug company there on campus wanted 100.00 for a smaller, what I called area rug. I'm assuming that Home Depot, Lowes, Sears, and all the major appliance stores in the area would deliver to campus, so that might be an option as well.....Good luck!</p>

<p>Gosh, carpets and $200 refrigerators! Will my S feel deprived if he doesn't have that? Back in the dark ages, we did fine with no frige, and the cafeterias were open much more limited hours. Do all the kids furnish their rooms with carpets?</p>

<p>Oh wish....I didn't mean to scare you. Your S will do fine without either if he so chooses. I think most of the kids put something on the floor though. The floors are those institutional style tile (think high school) and having something on the floor does make it seem more "home-y." But having said that, it doesn't have to be carpet... </p>

<p>We spent roughly 100.00 on CaneGuys fridge (watched the sale flyers.) We actually bought his when he mentioned this as a birthday gift prior to school starting so it wasn't as if we purchased this just so he could have one. You have to remember also that things need to be coordinated with the roommate to conserve precious space in the dorm. CaneGuy had the frig and an old hand-me-down microwave that he donated to the cause...his roommate brought most of the other electronics...hand-me-downs as well. </p>

<p>Now...I won't tell you that he won't feel deprived in some way or another...mine got down there and first thing I heard about was how everyone drove such wonderful cars. (I won't lie...there are some beauties on campus. Think Mercedes, Hummers, and the occasional Lamborghini) and of course, mine thought immediately that he needed an upgrade. Well......that wasn't gonna happen! He has his perfectly usable Chevy and until the day that HE can afford something else it will stay that way. But this is CaneGuys muse....beautiful cars. Must be a guy thing In my opinion this just teaches them the realities of the real world. There are those of us who are rich with cash and there are those who are rich in other aspects. And he just happens to fall in the latter category. :)</p>

<p>Wish-thanks for clarifying the collegeboxes thing. I guess that makes sense that the first couple of days are for stored things. I'm glad you called, that was not at all clear on the website. I think this may change our plans-we'll take what we can fit in suitcases with us and buy the rest there.</p>

<p>1tcm-I also thought the prices were very high-I guess you pay for the convenience. Since we'll be down there early we'll be hitting the local Sears and Best Buy. </p>

<p>In regard to another kid who claims to only need shorts and flip-flops, roommate sent him an email talking about their room and now all of a sudden "stuff" seems more important. :)</p>

<p>Re the pack and hold at BBB.<br>
We went to the store, they gave my son a hand held scanner, and he scanned whatever he thought he might need/want (bed lifters, desk lamp, fiberbed, pillow, etc). That list is sent to the BBB in FL and his order is set aside for the date we chose for pickup (7/18). At that time, we'll look our stuff, decide if we actually want to buy it all, and then pay for it (with the coupons I've been saving) It sounds like the way to go, as that way you're sure what you want is there. (for ex., we set a side a comforter - not sure if he'll really want it, but the room has A/c, right?)
Glad you called collegeboxes - I had seen the choices of dates, but I thought the student had the option of which date to choose. Sounds like that's not the case?</p>

<p>Thanks for the BBB info. I think that will definitely be on our agenda this week. My S also in unsure of the need for a comforter, but I absolutely think they need one. He keeps reminding me that it's Florida and I keep saying "you're not sleeping outside at noon, alright maybe you are sleeping at noon, but not outside".:)</p>

<p>I wish the collegeboxes thing was a little more defined. It seems that they if they are only going to deliver stuff that was stored with them on the 19th & 20th, and the only kids that are going to be on campus then are the freshmen-???. Doesn't make much sense. Too much confusion for me to be comfortable with, maybe an option for next year.</p>

<p>How did you guys figure out which roommate is bringing what? Both families are flying in and planning to buy most of the stuff down there. I think it is easier at the end of the year if we each pay for separate items rather than divide the total cost. Maybe tv/micro and refrig/ans mach, then they could pick out a rug together since they will probably get rid of it at the end of the year. Too many decisions.</p>

<p>I can only tell you what CaneGuy and roomie did when it came to bringing things...they e-mailed each other several times over the summer (roomie made the first e-mail because UM gave S a bad e-mail address). Anyway, from what son tells me, they just did the general chit-chat stuff first, you know, just trying to get an idea of the other's likes and dis-likes. Roomie is a big movie buff, so for him TV & DVD player was important. S is a gamer, so for him the Playstation was important. So that was a start. Then S told roomie about having the frig so that was settled. Once they start seeing that they can work together the rest is easy.</p>

<p>they still need to figure out who buys what between the refrig, TV, and probably "land" phone, based on the costs. I've seen a few phones with 2 headsets on sale which may be a good idea, so they don't use all their cell phone minutes for local calls, etc. We're going to hold off on the microwave, based on what I've heard</p>

<p>we weren't sure while at BBB - Do they need to bring their own clothes hangers?</p>

<p>I know I read somewhere that they need to bring their own hangers.</p>

<p>S and roommate have been IMing and have all the major purchases worked out. They even did a pretty good job of dividing it $ wise. S says he seems "really cool" and he feels like they're already friends.</p>

<p>Mishdoob, what have you heard about the microwave? </p>

<p>My S's roommate is also flying in - the idea of buying all this stuff new in Miami is making me mucho nervous.... And shipping heavy stuff is nuts. I hope S keeps thinking all he needs are shorts and flipflops. He returns home Tuesday for a whirlwind 3 weeks of getting organized to leave and saying goodbye. </p>

<p>My older D (Grinnell 2002) didn't have anything but her clothes, books, linens, and a hotpot. And she did just fine. Do they really need all those appliances????</p>

<p>Hangers...yes. We took a few but ended up buying more. Real cheap at Target just down US 1.</p>

<p>Microwave...not necessary at all. Convenient...yes. If we hadn't been moving and contemplating putting it in the garage sale/auction anyway S probably wouldn't have had one. Don't forget, those of you whos kids are going in Eaton or Mahoney/Pierson...your kids will have suitemates who may or may not have some of these items as well. And for that matter Standford/Hecht where an open door per floor policy seems to be much more the norm. I can guarantee that someone on the floor who becomes friends with your children WILL have a microwave. They really do share a lot. Just wait till you send them the first care package and you ask..."How did you like the cookies I sent?" And you get the reply, "Well I'm sure I would have liked them, but my roomies got ahold of them and ate them before I could. They said they were great!" Mom: "I'm sorry...did you get anything to eat at all?" S: "Yep...roomies mom sent brownies, so I just ate all those." LOL :)</p>

<p>re microwaves - heard the same as above, that they aren't really useful/necessary, take up valuable space, and that there is always one that can be used for popcorn on the floor.
We are thinking about getting a blender though, for those protein shakes.... :)
itcm - speaking of delivery packages -are there any you've used which you'd recommend? (I have heard good things so far about <a href="http://www.fatwitch.com%5B/url%5D"&gt;www.fatwitch.com&lt;/a>, but have not tried it) </p>

<p>Hard to believe the time is actually almost here!</p>

<p>Well, that's a relief - can scratch the microwave off the list LOL!</p>

<p>Just spoke to S (first time in days as he is away). He spoke to his roommate and said they have a lot in common - like the same music, like sports, went to prep schools and plan to keep their grades up to keep their scholarships. [Wish breathes a sigh of relief at the hopefully compatible roommate and the plan to get good grades.] S is still unhappy he didn't get his first dorm choice but seems to be slowly getting used to the idea of not being in a freshman dorm.</p>

<p>Said he plans to take basically what he took to camp and to get rid of a lot of stuff in his room at home. Wonders why he needs a land line phone if both kids have cell phones. I said for when you run low on minutes.... But do they need a land line phone? I know the rooms are wired and the UM pamphlets suggest to bring a phone, but will it get any use?</p>

<p>Prolly useful, calling within campus, to other rooms, services, police, i know some colleges have a telephone box at entrances so they can call your room to have you come down and open the door for them</p>