1 Paragraph: Why do I deserve this scholarship. What on earth do I write?

<p>I'm applying for my institutional scholarships now, and all of them use the same application form. There is only one question where I can distinguish myself from the other applicants, "Why do I deserve this scholarship?". Other than that, I just fill in the blanks like any other application. </p>

<p>Anyway, what on earth am I supposed to write here? I have about a paragraph's worth of writing space, and that is it. </p>

<p>They don't ask for my extra-curriculars or for any references, for the record. So anything worth mentioning must be done in this paragraph</p>

<p>And as for my ECs and distinguishing factors, here's the laundry list:
~home schooled</p>

<p>~brain cancer survivor</p>

<p>~mother has lung and colon cancer as well as various mental illnesses.</p>

<p>~~I babysit my younger sister approximately 50 hours a week while my mother goes to treatment, runs errands, and goes to various doctors' appointments</p>

<p>~1st generation college student</p>

<p>~02/08-06/08 Founder of a political organization (no longer active because it pertained to the Primary elections, but it was a huge success nonetheless)</p>

<p>~01/08-11/08 Volunteered for political campaign approximately 50 hours a week, which consisted of working on the person's website and answering questions for visitors, making a total of about 10,000 phone calls, setting up the organization ^ as a result of what I saw, and working at the local campaign office on various things. </p>

<p>~top 5% of incoming class (which isn't saying much, I'll be honest haha-- 3.9 gpa; 28 ACT)</p>

<p>~$0 EFC :)</p>

<p>Any ideas on what I should write about? I have absolutely no idea!! And I don't want to act pompous or anything, either, so I'm trying to find some sort of balance there.</p>

<p> Thanks :)</p>

<p>say that you can’t afford the college but you will do your best to get financial aid to get into it because it’s your first choice. Tell what intrests you the most about the college.</p>

<p>Hi ASC: You are one impressive 17 year old. You have faced adversity most people coulnd’t imagine in a lifetime, and you have overcome. You are also a high achiever. I would matter-of-factly summarize your story: One of overcoming multiple adversities. Conquering cancer. Supporting an ill mom. Sharing household responsibilities. In addition to successfully handling challenging school work. You just need to succintly summarize your story sticking closely to the facts. Let the facts do the talking for you. </p>

<p>All the best in your quest for scholarship and in life.</p>

<p>You deserve the scholarship because you have had the opportunity to learn through extreme adversity that you will be the most determined, motivated student on campus. You tell them you already know how to work hard, to take care of yourself, that you know nothing comes easy, and that you need the scholarship to attend college. Basically, they are looking for kids who will make good use of this gift of education. It probably will not hurt to tell them you are looking forward to a break from your difficult home circumstances and the scholarship will provide you with educational and social opportunities that you plan to take full advantage of.</p>