1 week to go -- Predictions

<p>alright EDers, all you future columbians, to continue the wonderful CC tradition from last year, this is a thread for predictions and comments on your predictions.</p>

<p>probably hit a nerv when everyone saw the release date ( I mean the ealiest we thought was 9th,) so lets get this anxiety out a litttle by writting down what you've been thinking about your own chances for hte last few weeks (come on i know you were all thinking it!). after all no one knows you as well as yourself (sadly that applies to the adcoms as well)</p>

<p>anyways don't be shy to put down Accepted as you own prediction. after all this is only an online forum.</p>


<p>Chances- 20%
Decision- Defered
Reason - low GPa, average test scores, below average IB marks. SEAS with very strong math records and couple school champ math awards.</p>

<p>PS. I'll do a compiled list if you guys want there to be one. and please.. no flaming here.. everyone's just as nervous as you are .</p>

<p>GL to everyone! <em>group hug</em></p>

<p>Chances- 10%
Decision- <em>hopefully</em> Deferred
Reason - Low SATs (that just kills me), GPA 4.0, Lots of awards&Leadership</p>

<p>guys what do youconsider "low scores" ?</p>

<p>instead of going like 'low scores' 'average GPA', it would be more helpful if you guys posted exact numbers -> my 2 cents.</p>

<p>im so nervous :(</p>

<p>for the people who think they have low SAT's, don't worry so much. the avg. SAT for the columbia class of 2009 was a 1409. if you add up the middle scores of the middle 50 percent range, it was like a 1450. trust me, SAT's are not as counted as much as you think.</p>


<p>Chances- 22.5%
Decision- Deferred
Reason -
Rejected/Deferred: Low fresh/soph GPA - and no, I am not posting my numbers. Okay scores. Weird essay. Amazing quality of Columbia's applicant pool. Adcom thinks my last name is too long. Adcom just ordered bad chinese food before reading my application.
Accepted: EC's and recommendations</p>

<p>Chances: 15%
Decision: Deferred
Reason: Weak Frosh/soph GPA, but great junior GPA, so they'll want the mid-year reports to see if the increasing trend remained</p>

<p>I was hoping for people not to post their GPA and scores because if they wish to share them they would've done so by now. this was meant to be a vent thread to release some anxiety and share what everyone's thinking about their own admission chances. obviously everyon's definition of "low" is different but there's enough posts about that around here.</p>

<p>Chances- 20%
Decision- Deferred
Reason - I have good scores, gpa, essay, ECs and recs, but I don't think I stand out enough, just about average.</p>

<p>AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!! </p>

<p>That was my real venting.</p>

<p>fair enough <em>follows</em> AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!</p>

<p>i'm sorry, i can't think about anything other than an acceptance because otherwise i collapse into a smoking, shivering mass of anxiety indistinguishable from the unremarkable mediocrity that i wallow in daily.</p>

<p>therefore, i have to say 100%, for my personal and mental well-being.
Decision- accepted
Reason - n/a...interchangeable with none</p>

<p>thats one way of looking at things :)</p>

<p>yeah, the last part though is where my view on this breaks down. <em>sigh</em></p>

<p>oh yeah btw,</p>


<p>don't double post, it's rude</p>

chance: 15%
decision: argh...deferred
reasoning- i am an above average canidate and i believe that I stand out but not enough...i need luck to get into columbia :-( i hope our dreams come true</p>

<p>no one's confident enough to wager an acceptance? aww</p>

<p>gona revive this thread, this time lets add some non-stat-based predictions for others.</p>

<p>damndiggidit i cant do other apps while in suspense</p>