10.5x8 in notebooks

<p>I bought these notebooks a while ago, but didn't realize until later that they were 10.5x8 when I usually use 11x8.5 notebooks. Has anyone run into any problems using these notebooks or is it okay using these notebooks as long as the paper is college ruled.</p>

<p>No, I’ve never heard of a professor getting mad at a student for having a notebook that’s 0.5 inches too small. I actually prefer the 10.5 notebooks for note-taking.</p>

<p>For taking your own personal notes, it doesn’t matter what size. However, some teachers and GSIs may have some problem with paper not being the same size as other people’s (for whatever reason). Not that I have run into anyone like that, but I would make sure that it is not a big deal to them if you have to turn it in, because some people just have a “thing” for paper being the same size.</p>

<p>It doesn’t matter.</p>

<p>If you like to staple your paper together with 8.5x11 sheets (like handouts) and then put them into binders like I do, it will be annoying. Nobody will care if your paper is slightly smaller than everyone else’s.</p>

<p>The only thing that might be slightly inconvenient is that it’s easy to mis-staple when you turn in things that are both 8 1/2 by 11 and 10 by 8.5 in the same stapled packet.</p>