10 days!

<p>10 days until RD decisions are sent ahvhjdsvhjds so excited! :)</p>

<p>Anyone else waiting for a letter?</p>

<p>I think some already got sent out</p>

<p>omg that’s awesome to hear!!! Geneseo is my second choice and it’d be awesome if I got in :)</p>

<p>really?1? 10 more days awesome! good luck hunterkane8 i hope you get in.</p>

<p>thanks DMA017 good luck to you too!</p>

<p>Geneseo looks pretty good for cost as well. Not my first choice, but I wouldn’t mind going if accepted.</p>

<p>8 days! This wait is killing meeeeeeeee</p>

<p>waiting for a letter too! do the letters get sent on march 1 or are they supposed to arrive then?</p>

<p>I think they’re sent on march 1st.</p>

<p>Hunter, is Bing your first choice still? I remember you from a Bing thread I posted a while back…it might have been right before senior year. (We’re still friends on CC :))</p>

<p>And Bing was actually my second choice. I got into Tufts EDII though, so I had to withdraw my app.</p>

<p>Yeah Bing and Geneseo are my tops, I can’t possibly choose between them so I hope I only get into one lol!</p>

<p>I have New Paltz as a fall back just in case both of themyour reject me lol</p>

<p>I got my acceptance letter close to a week ago. They give you a lavish red folder with gold embossed lettering haha. Fancy stuff! I’m pumped. Not sure if I’ll be going there, however.</p>

<p>Hi Ravidrim - do you apply regular decision? I don’t know of anyone else besides ED applicants who have heard back yet.</p>

<p>ahhhh I’m pumped up man!!! I reeealllly hope I make it in and into the honors program.</p>

<p>I’m not worried for Hunterkane8, you’ll get in! Good luck everyone!</p>

<p>I’m dying to know!</p>

<p>Thanks DMA017! I hope you get in too! :)</p>

<p>Good luck all! I hope to see you on campus!</p>

<p>I got in but I’m pretty sure I’m choosing new paltz over geneseo.
I wish I could give one of you my spot!</p>

<p>@SharonSUNY - </p>

<p>You can! My D is on the wait list so if you decide to go with New Paltz, let Geneseo know ASAP :)!</p>

<p>And, congratulations on both!</p>

<p>Just got in! My sister goes here too.</p>

<p>Edit: Meant to post it in the accepted thread, but the post is also acceptable here I guess :)</p>