1000 signs you are a n00b

<li>If you yell all to your friends all the way across the busway car just to look for attention</li>

<li>If you've ever gotten a shoelace or anything else stuck in an escalator.</li>

<p>345: if you prefer hard ice cream over soft serve ice cream</p>

<li>If you don't know the difference between had and soft ice cream</li>

<li> If you don't know how to spell "hard."</li>
<li> If you care about spelling and grammar mistakes.</li>
<li> If you don't care about spelling and grammar mistakes.</li>

<li><p>If you contradict yourself. </p></li>
<li><p>If you managed to make the 347th, 348th, and 349th noob sign</p></li>
<li><p>If you're S/N is two mammals fused together for some strange reason</p></li>

<li>If you really think you're authentic.</li>

<p>Sheed did you not notice someones trying to play you? but get at me. This leads me to my next Noob sign.</p>

<li>If You're Blind!</li>

<p>355: if you don't find So Authentic to be extremely annoying.</p>

<li><p>If you don't know that people with speech impediments say had instead of hard because they can't pronounce the r.</p></li>
<li><p>If you make fun of cripples.</p></li>

<p>you'llsee... did you not notice that I have not been responding to any of your asinine post lately but you seem to still be stalking me like the Certified stalker you are. No really, I'm dead serious! Please don't respond to any of my post......Thank You very much</p>

<li>If you're a certified stalker like you'llsee...</li>

<p>Matter fact, Scratch that!</p>

<li>If you're you'llsee...</li>

<li><p>You have slowly been reading this entire post over the course of several days</p></li>
<li><p>You actually feel disappointed when you get to the end and realize that they haven't reached 1,000 yet</p></li>
<li><p>You think SoAuthentic is being too hard on you'llsee...</p></li>

<li>You actually care about the feud between you'llsee and So Authentic.</li>


<p>365: if you don't think So Authentic is an annoying whinny brat.</p>

<p>you'llsee... no one is amused by your Noob post anymore^ get over it!</p>

<p>My last post to you for the rest of your existance on CC</p>

<p>no, I have to agree with you'llsee...</p>

<p>yeah...So Authentic = n00b</p>

<li>If you don't think So Authentic is annoying.</li>

<p>"369. If you don't think So Authentic is annoying."</p>

<p>-I agree.</p>