1000 signs you are a n00b

<p>387: If you call someone a noob for reviving this thread but post in it anyway :)...</p>

<p>388: If you don't watch Madtv.</p>

<p>389a) you install slackware because you're terminally bored,
389b) then bemoan your lack of a functioning sound card.</p>

<p>390) If you're user name is after a country</p>

<li>You revive this thread.</li>
<li>You post even though you know this thread shouldn't have been revived.</li>

<li>You Mess up the number count.</li>

<li>If you majored in AeroEngineering</li>
<li>If you post after me</li>

<li>You mess up the number count again</li>

<li>You return to the orginial number</li>
<li><p>YouTube</a> - cool people</p></li>
<li><p>you get rick rolled</p></li>

<li>You google every acronym you come across.</li>

<li>You revived this thread.</li>

<li>You use urban dictionary to figure out what getting rick rolled is.</li>

<li>You first ask your mother what getting Rick Rolled is.</li>

<li>If you're user name is threatening</li>


<li>If you attend a school ranked #17 on USNWR National University's</li>


<li>Then, when she doesn't know, you try your little sister.</li>

<li>If you make a N00b sign related to a previous N00b sign</li>

<p>Hey, whats up guys?</p>


<li>If you assume that all CCer's on this thread are males</li>

<li> If your mom goes to college</li>

<li>If you don't understand what Sheed just said (i.e. me)</li>

<li>Urban</a> Dictionary: your mom goes to college</li>