<p>The best insult ever. You will totally PWN anyone with this retort. </p>
<p>you laughed at the definition of "your mom goes to college"</p>
<p>The best insult ever. You will totally PWN anyone with this retort. </p>
<p>you laughed at the definition of "your mom goes to college"</p>
<p>If you were rejected by every ivy league and then complained that you will now have to go to your "sucky state school"even though in reality it is your fault in the first place that you didn't apply to better match or safety schools.</p>
<li>You got into every school you applied to. And then, too late in the game, realized that maybe you should have shot a little higher.</li>
<li>You quote people on CC in everyday speech.</li>
<li>You don't know what "pwn" means (again, i.e. me)</li>
<li>You don't know if colleges rank grades (me! somewhere care to answer this?)</li>
<li>Your APM is a double digit number.</li>
<li>You are perenially confused about which college you are going to choose to attend.</li>
<li><p>You applied to more than 10 schools</p></li>
<li><p>You applied to less than 3 schools</p></li>
<li><p>If you refernce everything to Urban Dictionary</p></li>
<li><p>If you think CC will solve your rejection problem</p></li>
<li><p>If some asks what something is, you refer them to [url=<a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/%5DWikipedia%5B/url">http://www.wikipedia.org/]Wikipedia[/url</a>] for the answer.</p></li>
<li><p>You do not take the time to look back in the thread to see if someone has already posted what you are about to post.</p></li>
<li><p>You only post in one thread.</p></li>
<li><p>You actually followed the wikipedia link.</p></li>
<li>When you reach a certain number of posts, you dedicate the last one to something</li>
<li>You left your post count at 1,337 for months.</li>
<li>You Lived in Central Virginia for more than 3 months</li>
<p>430: Hi i just thought i would say Hi. I am new to this thread.</p>
<p>431: oops! i posted in the wrong thread! Geez sorry!</p>
<p>432: Does anyone know how to edit a post? I forgot to capitalize my last one.</p>
<p>433: Oh yeah i forgot! does anyone want to chance me?!!1</p>
<li>If you are a self explanatory n00b^^^</li>
<li>you use wax paper and bannanas to pleasure yourself</li>