<p>23: if you try day and night to reach 1000 posts.</p>
11. If your s/n contains a pronoun.
- You forgot what pronouns were.</p>
<li>you took the SAT 12 times </li>
<li>If you don't know what a paffle is.</li>
<li>if you are bored.</li>
<li>If you think the capital of Canada is Toronto,</li>
<p>29: if you love math.</p>
<p>30: if you put commas at the end of your sentences instead of periods.</p>
<li>If you call someone a n00b for a typo.</li>
<p>32: if you don't vote for me.</p>
<p>33: If you don't know the capital of Australia.
34. If you don't know what my sn means.</p>
<p>34: if you don't know my real name.</p>
<li>If you can't locate Poland on a map.</li>
<p>good one TritiumKnight.
36. If you read and not post on this thread.
37. If you can't bypass the 60 second rule.</p>
<li>if you think mcqdeltat is cool for his double posting.</li>
<li>If you don't think MBP is jealous.</li>
<li>if you think #39 makes sense.</li>
<li>If you think # 39 doesn't make sense.</li>
<li>If you do not know the definition of noob</li>
<li>If you don't like teh buttsecks.</li>