<li>If you spell "n00b" with two O's.</li>
<li>If you've never been banned for posting shock material on a forum.</li>
<p>This forum requires that you wait 60 seconds between posts. Please try again in 1 seconds.</p>
<li>if you post 3 things in a row ( instead of just posting everything you have to say in one post)</li>
<li>If you try to pwn Pwn..</li>
<p>48: if you type "pwn" two times in a row.</p>
<p>49: if you purposely use a 'p' instead of an 'o'.</p>
<p>50: if you think doing #49 is cool.</p>
<p>52: if you can't count</p>
<p>52: if you think ^that was amusing.</p>
<p>53: if you spell physics with an 'f' a 'z' and an 'x'.</p>
<p>54: if you have multiple screennames.</p>
<p>55: if you make up compound words.</p>
<li>If you are a n00b.</li>
<p>57: if you state the obvious</p>
45. If you've never been banned for posting shock material on a forum.
<p>meh, i only did that after 5 years of internet forums. =(</p>
<p>I'm still thinking what i should post...</p>
<p>58: if you haven't heard of goatse.</p>
<li>If you liked goatse. (EW EW EW)</li>
<li>If you don't like Tubgirl, Meatspin, Lastmeasure, or Swollentip.</li>
<li>You can't speak more than one language.</li>
<li>You can't play a musical instrument.</li>
<li>If you think you're a n00b.</li>
<li>If you can't realize that some people cannot afford to rent or own musical instruments. ;)</li>
<p>Hey CT, I learned the bagpipes IN INDIA, using old instruments that no one wanted. The school was throwing them away anyway.
64. If you do not enjoy inconclusiveness.</p>
<li>If you feel pain.</li>
<li>If you still have 1 soul.</li>