1086 words - Too much?

<p>The word limit is 1000 words. In total, my essays turned out to be 1086 words. Acceptable?</p>

<p>i don’t think it’s that bad a stretch…i know for the essays i’ve been doing i’ve definitely gone over at a max of around 90 words.</p>

<p>have the same prob.
my commonapp is abt 800-850 words… is it acceptable???</p>

<p>Well if the limit is 1000 words, that’s not bad at all.</p>

<p>puredreams09–I’d advise you cut it down…at least try to cut it down to 750, if not more.</p>

<p>1000 words is almost definitely too long, unless it specifically says “of no more than 1000 words” or “about 1000 words”</p>

<p>most essays are supposed to be around 500, up to 700 is fine, but anything over and you either arent being efficient or you chose to write about things you shouldnt have. the whole idea of the essay is to give a short, insightful picture of who you are, more than 700 words will bore the reader and wont communicate what you want to</p>

<p>most college admission advises the essay to be around 500 words. As for Common apps, try to cut it down to 600, don’t exceed 700 unless you really feel it’s a necessity.</p>

<p>id definitely try to cut it down to at least 1050 if you can</p>