1760 to 2250+

<p>I went to my first SAT tired as hell and little to no studying with a bunch of **** going on.</p>

<p>Think it's possible?</p>

<p>Nope I do not think so.</p>

<p>My friend went to the SAT inebriated and score a 1800. He posed the same question and I told him what I'll tell you:</p>

<p>What a waste of money.</p>

<p>I agree. But personally, I believe the "tired as hell" and "little to no studying" are just little problems that you exaggerate and turn into excuses so you can feel better about yourself.</p>

<p>In all honesty, I don't think that anyone who is smart enough and cares enough to get a 2250+ will ever go into a test day tired and without prep.</p>


<p>I agree with khoitrinh.
You remind me of a friend back in middle school who would always say things like "Oh well, that test was incredibly easy, i just didnt study so thats why i failed" or more recently "I just got a 1540(out of the 2400 scale) because i was stoned" . Its funny because he's always been the kid who practically breathes through an asthma pump and ****ed his pants watching scary movie 3. So no, i don't think its possible.</p>

<p>This thread, and many other threads out there regarding the possibility of getting a >2100, is actually very indicative of your aptitude. Even more than the SAT. Do expect people to say yes? you do realize that the answer you get from people in this thread is no different than the answers others like yourself received in dozens of other threads. We don't know you, we don't care how you felt on test day or why you did poorly. Can you survive a jump off a 10 story building? perhaps. Can you manage to pull off a 2200 after after crying about having too much **** in your life on CC simply because you didnt feel like studying for your first test? probably not.</p>

<p>No. I have a lot of friends who gave the SAT "unprepared" and "just for fun" and get between 1600-1800.</p>

<p>Keep boasting about it till they give it again, and get even lower.</p>

<p>The truth is, those who are REALLY serious about it, can give the SAT after staying awake for two days straight -- and STILL get more than 1800.</p>

<p>And if you think there were external factors that affected your performance, you are only lying to yourself; for unless you were struck by lightening, or had some other freak accident, you had no reason to not get within 200 points of what you were aiming for.</p>

<p>I'm not saying you'll get any worse, but I am saying that I doubt you'll show any significant improvement next time.</p>

<p>Some people can be so mean here...</p>

<p>yeah seriously, give the poor guy a break.</p>

<p>There are countless heartwarming stories on this website about people improving their scores by this much. Yes, it can be done. Try your best and you will be rewarded.</p>

<p>^ as long as you believe.</p>

<p>when I took my first practice test I got 600 math, 350 cr, and 450 writing, so 1400 total. On my first official one, I had very close to 2000. And it was crap, because I stayed up the whole Thusday night finishing an English paper. And how about multiple fire alarms during the test and it was *** cold outside because of snow.</p>

<p>But I've studied a lot over the summer, and now, I'm pretty much at 800 with math and reading, and trying to improve writing now.</p>

<p>So, anything is possible. And you don't need to have anything to do with lighting or whatever to get what you want. Of course it's actually a good idea to stay far away from lighting as possible xD</p>

<p>BUT... don't expect too much if you don't work hard... at least get the desired score on some practice tests. Having confidence is important too. Just don't aim for something that you KNOW you won't get, because the despair afterwards isn't worth it. You probably still have to pull together a good app no matter how you did on your SAT.</p>

<p>I improved almost 600 points from my PSAT to my SAT, but I doubt anyone else is as brilliant as I am. You wouldn't believe the wonders that multiplying your score by 10 can do.</p>

<p>i got a 1590 the first time and now im getting like 2030</p>

<p>Actually, kho, you multiplied your score by 9 .
I think you meant you scored 60 on your PSAT, and then 600, which is a 540 point increase. However, if thats not the case, the increase would still not be the result of multiplying the original score by 10. </p>


kyoko....a 350 to nearly an 800 on CR....</p>

<p>wow....im speechless
that is an absolutely enormous increase and it doesn't even seem possible. it is baffling to have such huge score increases.</p>

<p>^ unless you filled in all the bubbles.</p>

<p>yes. my practice test from barrons was something like 2000 and now i'm a 2200. i could have done better for all the sections though, was so angry with the results (I couldn't sleep the night before and was seriously sleep deprived test morning) but i believe anything is possible. it's just how much effort you want to put in to realise that goal.</p>

<p>From my psat to my sat I went up 300+ points.... but the jump from anywhere to a 2200 is incedibly difficult. It's much easier to go from a 1500 to a 1900 than it is to go from a 1900 to a 2300.</p>

<p>I know a girl who fell asleep in the middle of it and still got a 1650.</p>

<p>I woke up twenty minutes before the test, had nothing to eat, nothing to drink and was half-asleep the whole time and got an 1850.</p>

<p>It's possible, don't worry.</p>