1st and 2nd choice majors in different schools

<p>Can anyone comment on how the admissions process/timing works if a student applies to SCA as a first choice, but a non-SCA School at USC for 2nd choice major? Specifically:</p>

<li><p>If SCA says ‘no’, is it then passed to Admissions for the 2nd choice major, or is that going on concurrently?</p></li>
<li><p>If SCA says ‘no’, do they let you know that, before you hear from USC in general? (ie, “We cannot admit you to SCA, but the main admissions office is now reviewing your app”, or something like that?) </p></li>
<li><p>Given that the SCA deadline is 12/1, does that mean if you are admitted to SCA, you will hear before ‘regular’ USC admitted students?</p></li>
<li><p>Is there an online way to check to see if your SCA materials arrived safely, or what the status of your overall app is?</p></li>
<li><p>And finally, what are typical dates for hearing back from SCA and the USC, in general? If you plan to visit the school in February, having already submitted your app, is it too late?</p></li>


<p>I may be able to help with some of your questions. Others can help with the rest.</p>

<li><p>Due to time constraints, both Schools (CLAS for undeclared and SCA) consider you at the same time.</p></li>
<li><p>If SCA says no, but CLAS says yes, you will receive the fat envelope (yay!) with an offer of admission (yay!) but the section that lists your major will say Undeclared rather than SCA-Production (aww!)</p></li>
<li><p>Despite SCA’s early deadline, they tend to be the latest in releasing their admissions packets, unless you are being invited to interview for a merit scholarship. Since the SCA’s deadline is the same as the early scholarship consideration deadline, all SCA applicants will be considered for these and you might get an early jolt of great news!</p></li>
<li><p>There wasn’t any way to check if your supplement arrived at SCA online. You can mail it certified, so you get a return receipt. Or you can call them (but they are sooo busy).</p></li>
<li><p>For all USC applicants who submit apps before 12/1 (including all SCA apps), the university sends admissions packets in waves, beginning in late January for those who are invited to interview for Trustee and Presidential Scholars. The interviews occur in Feb. You can search on last year’s admissions here on CC and see the dates and the waves and if you can make any sense of it–you are a genius. lol. Lots of theories were offered last year. None panned out! USC notifies admits up until early April–but only sends acceptances before April. It is really nail biting time the first few days of April around here. </p></li>

<p>Hope this is helpful.</p>

<p>Oh, just reread original post. If you are applying to two majors in the same school (like SCA production and critical studies) you must submit 2 separate supplements and each will be considered by that major. They do ask that you rank your preference, but don’t know if that is mandatory.</p>

<p>If you are applying to two different majors in two different schools (say SCA and Annenberg), the process goes on concurrently. But also, the USC adcoms will also review your application and might still offer you a spot as Undeclared (CLAS) if neither of your two preferences admit you.</p>

<p>Hope that is clearer.</p>

<p>thank you, madbean, that was helpful!</p>