1st quarter grades are out, what did everyone get/

<p>Ok so I got my actual quarter grades today.....<em>sigh</em>.....this is by far the WORST quarter......I didn't show it to my mom yet....if I did, she'll go kung fu on me <em>cringe</em>...well...here goes.....
Algebra 2 H - A
Beg. Dance - A
Wld Hist H - D....<em>hisss</em> ouch....I need a body cast for that one
Chemistry - A
Spanish 2- B
English 2 H - C....really hard to get an A...so far...no one's getting an A in that class
Adv. Orchestra - A</p>

<p>least I've ever worked.. but
ap physics - a
ap gov - a
ap enviro - a
ap stats - a
ap eng lit - a</p>

What's the lowest grade (%) wise you guys EVER got in any high school class and what class was it?


I got a D in eighth grade science. My numerical average for math was an F but my teacher gave me a C anyway.</p>

<p>U.S. History I Hon. - A-
Design and Drafting - A+
Spanish III Hon. - B :(
Chem. Hon. - A
English 10 Hon. - A
Drivers Ed - A
Pre-Calc Hon. - A+</p>

<p>AP English 11- A
AP U.S. History- A
AP Calc. I+II- A
Honors Calc Review- A
G+T Physics- A
G+T Engineering- A
Symphonic Winds- A</p>

<p>G+T= Gifted and Talented</p>

<p>Gahhh... AP English is tough! I've never had to work like I do in that class before...</p>

<p>You people own3d the heck out of me.
Yo', check it:</p>

<p>FOR531 - A
MTH361 - A
SCI411 - A
PHY922 -A</p>

<p>Calc - 97 (1 cred)
Computer Programming IV (3 cred per year) - 98
Record Management (.5 cred) - 99
Psychology (1 cred) - 90
Academic English 12 (1 cred) - 91
World Cultures (1 cred) - 97
overall I was happy :)</p>

<p>Precal- A-
Journalism- A
AP English Language- A
AP Chem- A
Chorus- A
French IV- A
US History Honors- A</p>

<p>Health A+
Net Sports A+
Chamber Orch. A+
Math 11H A+
Spanish 4H A+
English 11H A
College Composition A
A.P. US History B+
Chemistry 11H A
Advanced Res. H A</p>

<p>AP Statistics: A
AP World History: A
AP Euro History: A
AP Eng. Lit: A
AP U.S. Gov: A
Debate VIII Honors: A</p>