Anyone have any insight or experience with the 2-1-1-1 program with Dartmouth?
See post #12 for a perspective posted on another thread:
IMO if you want an engineering degree, go to a school with a 4 year degree. Why pay for 5 years of undergrad? Even though you would have two bachelor’s degrees, those degrees will not magically unlock any job opportunities that you couldn’t get with a 4 year engineering degree. The Dartmouth program is also competitive entry…meaning every qualified applicant is not admitted.
Additionally, Dartmouth is not well known for their engineering program…not saying it’s not good, but there are many stronger engineering undergrad schools. This program also has required summer classes for rising juniors…so no ability to co-op/intern.
Outside of academics, you have to think about going back and forth between campuses according to this 2-1-1-1 schedule…leaving Vassar friends and clubs after two years, then to Dartmouth and needing to make new friends/join new clubs and back and forth again. It’s not the traditional college experience.
Definitely do your research, and reach out to the contact people at Vassar and Dartmouth to ask relevant questions.
Good luck.