2 or 3 SAT Subject Tests

<p>Would taking 2 or 3 subject tests really impact my chances of getting into schools like...</p>


<p>?? because I planned to take three but I am not sure if a month is good enough to prepare for two more subject tests...</p>

<p>Take the two you think you would do best in. If your applying to science/engineering I’d take Math 2 and either physics or chemistry. </p>

<p>It will help a lot at those schools, some of them may require them.</p>

<p>I know that Yale and Columbia requires at least 2 subject tests.</p>

<p>Math II would probably be a good one to take.
But take the ones you’ll be most comfortable with. Make sure you practice so you know how much time to spend on each problem. They’re each an hour long so you have to go pretty fast.</p>