<p>1)When(approximate month/date) does Bing review applications for RD? Binghamton should've receive my application already,i applied RD because I am taking my SATs in December.I know that the admissions office are/will looking at ED applications at the moment,do they look at both ED and RD at the same time or ED first
2)If i wrote intended major in SUNY application section for Binghamton
(intended major-business management)
does that mean i applied to the School of Management?</p>
<p>Binghamton is rollling admissions which means that they review applications in the order that they are recieved. If they evaluate your application before they get your Dec. test scores, than there is a chance they will not take those into consideration. They claim that they will re-evaluate your application with new test scores, even if they have already made a decision. Who knows what they actually do. There is no advantage to applying EA. It may help you out in the “Level of Interest” category when they look at your app, but that is very trivial in the selection process. I’m not too sure about #2 but I would guess yes. Good luck!</p>
<p>sean - I think this year the EA/RD thing will actually make a difference in admittance… they accepted far too many last year and so this year will be even harder to get in…</p>
<p>I agree perfectedxchaos, but would you say its easier or more difficult to get in EA? There is no doubt it will be more difficult in both pools this year though.</p>
<p>since so much is affecting this year being “different” and “harder” for admission (eg, high yield last year, economy affecting both number of applications and probably yield, increase in out of state applicants, applicants applying earlier) i don’t think any one can really predict just how ea and rd will be affected. i doubt the admission office could even articulate it since i bet they are just now coming to terms with just how many ea applications they have.</p>
<p>whether ea or rd, binghamton has generally used rolling admissions – but now there may just in general be a reluctance to commit early on an applicant who isn’t a clear admit until they have a real handle on what the overall applicant pool is going to look like.</p>
<p>i think you just can’t make ANY assumptions based on how things were done in the past.</p>
<p>To add to this:</p>
<p>An admissions officer told me that this year their office will be looking more at the overall pool of applicants before making a commitment on an individual. I have a hunch that Binghamton won’t be rolling admissions for much longer.</p>
<p>Hey guys im a Freshman at Binghamton. Not to scare you or anything but what they are telling us students is that they have recieved SOOO many more application this year then at the same point last year. It most likely due to the financial crisis people wanting to go to a great school for a low cost… Again not trying to scare you but i think the earlier you get the application in the better.</p>
<p>there are so many new students this year (+spring transfers) that there isn’t even enough room for all of us to live normally. there are students still living in floor lounges with no privacy at all. taking SATs in december is not the greatest idea right now …</p>
<p>and yes business management is SOM … good luck. it’s the most difficult school to get into.</p>
<p>I think you can apply now, take the Dec. ACT/SAT and as long as the scores are there by February 1st, you should be fine.</p>
<p>what is the SAT policy of Binghamton?
do they superscore?
or is there a maximum amount to take the SAT ,than they average the scores?</p>
<p>Correct me if I am wrong, but I don’t think there is a limit to the number of times you can take an SAT. And yes, Binghamton does superscore.</p>