<p>Does Stanford consider cc transfer students?</p>
<p>Yes, but it’s extremely competitive.
Rumor has it cc students are favored</p>
<p>what about public state universities :)</p>
<p>they take kids from all schools, but they dont take any…cc kids are usually thought to be favored over 4 year kids for xfer, but you better be a world beater regardless</p>
<p>I had hopes of applying when i first started college, but my GPA did not end up 4.0 as I expected :(. They only have a 1~2% acceptance rate, and I bet those who apply as transfer students apply from very decent or top notch schools.</p>
<p>Eh, I probably won’t do well at such an elite university anyways. Too many geniuses.</p>
<p>*don’t take many</p>
<p>As dbj referred to, S does seem to accept more CC and non-traditional transfers than the other top schools. Last year about half of the transfers were in these categories. However, given that there were a total of only 20+ transfers accepted, where ever you come from, you’ve gotta excel in all aspects of your application.</p>