2007 PSAT Scores

<p>ugh, I saw them online</p>


<p>55 R
67 M
66 W</p>

<p>I did worse on the PSAT than I did on the Oct SAT. :(</p>

<p>w00t! 217! (above the NMS cutoff for WA in 2006)</p>

<p>75 R
67 M
75 W (I only got one wrong on both these sections....argh! harsh curve!)</p>

<p>Um, is there a reason why the predicted SAT score if you get a perfect in math is 660-770?</p>


<p>Cr -3 73
M -0 80
W -2 73</p>

<p>I was able to check my D's PSAT score: 226
Following are her scores
Q-Total Questions
SP-State Percentile (California)
NP-National Percentile
Subj : Q--C-W-O-S--SP-NP
Math: 38-38-0-0-80-99-99
CRTR: 48-45-3-0-73-99-99
WRT: 39-37-2-0-73-98-98</p>

<p>Math - 80
Writing - 80
Critical Reading - 76(why did I have to miss 2)</p>

<p>Index - 236</p>

<p>Semifinalist in FL?</p>

<p>I just checked online and i got:</p>

<p>CR: 80</p>

<p>M: 80</p>

<p>W: 73</p>

<p>I got 99%-tiles on everything but a 98%-tile nationally on writing. Missed 2 on writing by the way. A 233 from Indiana, I'm so happy!</p>

<p>boo 203 same as last year</p>

<p>Congratulations to all of you for those great scores. Do you think a 223 would be enough to become a semifinalist in NJ? Thanks.</p>

<p>where can u check online?</p>

<p>nvmd i got it lol</p>

<p>i know i'm curious about how people are checking</p>

<p>but i know mine anyway!!!</p>

<p>225! (actually this is just an estimate... my teacher only said that it was high enough to qualify for NMS but she wasn't allowed to tell me the actual score) but i do know that 225 was around the cutoff for Maryland in previous years</p>

<p>apparently i'm one of 7 in my school! I'm SO happy... i freaked out studying for this test</p>

<p><a href="https://quickstart.collegeboard.com/posweb/viewPsatScoreReportAction.do?testYear=2007%5B/url%5D"&gt;https://quickstart.collegeboard.com/posweb/viewPsatScoreReportAction.do?testYear=2007&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Congrats, eating food... I'm in Maryland, too! (Does that mean we're competing for spots? >___>) </p>

<p>I got a 230 -- one wrong in each section, so 79/75/76. LAST YEAR, I got 1 wrong in each section and that was 80/76/78. Grrrrrrr. (I also got 3 wrong on the SAT! This is a weird pattern...)</p>

<p>I posted this question in the other thread, but in case someone sees it here: I know that they pick the semifinalists based on that cutoff score. But of the semifinalists, are the finalists selected based on score alone or based on the other things that we submit?</p>

<p>AHHHHH. I got a 224. But I'm from Massachusetts.
Semifinalist anywhere else. For MA...ten months of waiting.</p>

<p>Reading this thread, I'm kind of embarrased to post mine, but here goes...</p>

<p>CR - 75 (+80!)
M - 55 (not good, but better than last year by 70)
W - 65 (no change since last year!)</p>

<p>Keep in mind, I am a sophmore. Does it make sense to expect as much or more of a change for next year?</p>

<p>In case anyone cares, I didn't get a thing from my school or in the mail, I read the method posted here <a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/sat-preparation/277769-psat-trouble-my-college-quickstart-2.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/sat-preparation/277769-psat-trouble-my-college-quickstart-2.html&lt;/a> to access my account and I GOT MY EXACT SCORES on the My College Quick Start (the thread was talking about taking the average of the range; didn't need to though obviously). You don't need the access code to get the My College Quick Start, only the password to the account with your PSAT information. Anyway, here goes:</p>

<p>Saturday Test</p>

<p>(99%) Math - 80 (woot! :))
(99%) CR - 78 (1 wrong, stupid error, I put "arbiter" for some weird reason instead of "proponent") Got everything else correct :)!
(96%) Writing - 68 (:( This was really stupid and kind of shocked me; blew the wind right out of my high from the first two results...I got 3 questions wrong and all really dumb mistakes too.) </p>

<p>Ask me questions by pm if u're curious for answers.</p>

<p>PS: To all sophomores out there. I had a 206 last year w/o an ounce of studying; that information may comfort some people (or not)...</p>

<p>ok so i found out:</p>

<p>i actually got a 222 (from checking online)</p>

<p>1 wrong in critical reading: 79
3 wrong in math (2 were free response, 1 regular): 70
2 wrong in writing: 73</p>

<p>i wish i coulda gotten a higher writing score (usually i only get 1 wrong) but i'm perfectly happy</p>

<p>Oh, and btw, the bitter irony of my score is that I got an 80 on the practice writing test for this year's PSAT. Really weird. But, and again, the oh so bitter irony, my practice test score was also a 226 (cus, I screwed up on CR and didn't get perfect on Math), right on the mark.</p>

<p>got my scores too:
1 wrong in cr: 78
1 wrong in math: 76 (mc)
2 wrong in writing: 72
226 (from online)
Ask for answers :]</p>

<p>I got the exact same as prospectivemd. Even the same q on CR.
Scary. I didn't study for it, and got a 221 last year.</p>