2008 tax returns!!!

<p>so my dad only copied the first two pages of tax returns.. do i necessarily have to copy ALL pages of the tax returns or are the first two pages acceptable to colleges? (most of them to send all schedules but what does that mean?)</p>

<p>also, does it have to be signed by just the parents or also by the accountant as welll?</p>

<p>super confused about this whole process.. do all colleges require me to send it to them or only certain schools? im too lazy to look them up</p>

<p>If the school asked for “all schedules”, then it means “all schedules”. Schedules include: A, B, C, D, and forms (such as 6251 for AMT, if applicable).</p>

<p>As long as your parents signed on page 2 of the 1040, that’s all you need for signatures.</p>

<p>Only certain schools will require a copy. Some schools request it upfront (like Harvard). Other schools only request it if you are selected for verfication (lucky you).</p>