2010 Countdown to Graduation

<p>“O” is for “OPEN” as in"…what one should do when their bottle is empty: OPEN ANOTHER!"</p>

USAFA '83</p>

<p>13 bottles of beer on the wall
13 bottles of beer
take one down, pass it around
12 bottles of beer on the wall.</p>

<p>Q is for Quilt :What you puked on last night in bed and have to clean in the morning</p>

<p>12 bottles of beer on the wall
12 bottles of beer
take one down, pass it around
11 bottles of beer on the wall.</p>

<p>R is for Reform: What you promise God you will do while you’re puking in the toilet</p>

<p>11 bottles of beer on the wall
11 bottles of beer
take one down, pass it around
10 bottles of beer on the wall.</p>


<p>S - Silly: How you act when you’re drunk.</p>

<p>S is also for Second Lieutenant Frank Luke Jr, one of the biggest BAMFs of all time.</p>

<p>and heck, let’s have one more today:</p>

<p>T is for TEN :The number of beers it takes me, hornet, or ramius to get drunk</p>

<p>10 bottles of beer on the wall
10 bottles of beer
take one down, pass it around
9 bottles of beer on the wall.</p>

<p>U is for Underage :Most of the drinking population in college town</p>

<p>10 bottles of beer on the wall
10 bottles of beer
take one down, pass it around
9 bottles of beer on the wall.</p>

<p>V is for Vodka :The mother of all alcohols and the best way to get drunk in an hour (just ask me and hornet :wink: )</p>

<p>edit to yesterday:</p>

<p>9 bottles of beer on the wall
9 bottles of beer
take one down, pass it around
8 bottles of beer on the wall.</p>

<p>8 bottles of beer on the wall
8 bottles of beer
take one down, pass it around
7 bottles of beer on the wall.</p>

<p>W is for Water :What your friends try to serve you telling you its shots-this is uncool</p>

<p>7 bottles of beer on the wall
7 bottles of beer
take one down, pass it around
6 bottles of beer on the wall.</p>

<p>X is for X-Ray :How they can see into your stomach before they pump it</p>

<p>6 bottles of beer on the wall
6 bottles of beer
take one down, pass it around
5 bottles of beer on the wall.</p>

<p>Y is for Yourself :The one who drinks WAY TOO MUCH every week-end</p>

<p>5 bottles of beer on the wall
5 bottles of beer
take one down, pass it around
4 bottles of beer on the wall.</p>

<p>Z is for Zoned :How you will be for the next 12 hours following drinking</p>

<p>4 bottles of beer on the wall
4 bottles of beer
take one down, pass it around
3 bottles of beer on the wall.</p>

<p>(eagle knocks on the door of hornetguy and family at hotel and sees hornet lying on couch)</p>

<p>eagle: happy hour?
hornet’s parents: yup
eagle: nuff said</p>

<p>3 bottles of beer on the wall
3 bottles of beer
take one down, pass it around
2 bottles of beer on the wall.</p>

<p>we’re almost there… let’s drink beer.

<p>2 bottles of beer on the wall
2 bottles of beer
take one down, pass it around
1 bottle of beer on the wall.</p>

<p>There are very few things i believe in, but i believe in duct tape! [eagle: and beer!]
-LOST series finale</p>

<p>Godspeed Class of 2010. You’ve been of great service to many on this and other forums. Thank you for your service, enjoy the day tomorrow, and we toast your success.</p>

<p>Congrats Lt.s! Hope you enjoyed your first military ball tonight as AD officers.</p>

<p>Way to go Gentleman! Its been a great time watching you grow and make it thru the Academy. Good Luck on your assignments.</p>

<p>1 bottle of beer on the wall
1 bottle of beer
take it down, pass it around
ZERO bottles of beer on the wall!!!</p>

<p>we did it!!!</p>


<p>Well done! Congratulations and best wishes in your future endeavors.</p>

<p>Great thread - almost 400 posts and over 22K views - Outstanding work!</p>

<p>Blue Skies</p>

<p>When does 2011 start counting down? I will miss this thread. Great Job 2010.</p>

