2010 USNWR Rankings

<p>As you can see ([US</a> News & World Report - Breaking News, World News, Business News, and America’s Best Colleges - USNews.com](<a href=“http://www.usnews.com/]US”>http://www.usnews.com/)), there are just about 2 days left until UNSWR (a source which we all like to quote rather frequently) releases their new 2010 rankings, both graduate and undergraduate. Anyone have any predictions UC-wise in either category?</p>

<p>I’m predicting the UC system as a whole will shift down a little bit due to the budget problems, but nothing drastic otherwise.</p>

<p>guys i really don’t get why is there so much fuss about the rankings
its rather funny that most ppl argue about this kind of crap when for a lot of cases (at least engineering) where you go for undergrad doesn’t really matter.</p>

<p>I really like the USNWR rankings (the National rankings, I dont really understand the international rankings). I actually think the UC system as a whole would be higher up because it always seems to be getting up there and our flagship is usually in the top 3.</p>

<p>amby- Not trying to be mean here but if you don’t care about rankings, why did you basically analyze the Forbes rankings in your last post. I think it is obvious that even though rankings are fairly superficial with regards to validity, people put a tremendous amount of weight on them when making their college decisions.</p>

<p>my previous post was just analyzing how dumb this rankings are</p>

<p>Top 3? lol. Neither Berkeley nor UCLA have made it to the top 10 in years. Since rankings are often biased towards rich schools with large endowments, public schools have been losing their places to privates all the time. In last year’s rankings, only 3 public schools made it to the top 25 list - Cal, LA, and UVA - and only barely. Considering our budget crisis, I agree with Cali Trumpet in thinking that UC rankings (at least in the general rankings) might drop.</p>

<p>^ I think he meant publics. Also, the data in US News lags about 2 years so I don’t think the current economy will affect the rankings this year.</p>

<p>I’m curious to see how the mid tiers will fare. Irvine and SB are quite ahead of Davis in terms of all the ranking factors except peer assessment (and Davis is a whole .3 higher), and since peer assessment is such a huge part of the rankings Davis still ties the other two. I don’t think peer assessment changes much year to year though.</p>

<p>rc251 is right I meant the public rankings where the UCs are 2 out of the 3 in the top 3
2.UVA (honestly this is a little surprising to me)

<p>but aside from that Berkeley is in the number 1 spot for a lot of the individual field rankings</p>

<p>I don’t think much will change in just 1 year. but UCI might be chasing up to UCSD and getting out of the mid tier SB, D, I thing. :slight_smile: I don’t think UCSD will change too much (sorry to all the people who claims UCSD is better than UCB.)
Hopefully the CA and UC budget improves in the coming years :)</p>

<p>amby262roy, I think the rankings are quite stupid too. But many people base their college choice off of them -.-</p>

<p>rc251, is peer assessment really a part of the rankings for USNews? wow! I did not know that. I thought SB would have better results than Davis for that one.</p>

<p>Is there anyone still hoping the budget for UC’s will somehow improve even with our economic recovery? Reduced state & fed funds is an undeniable trend, other states have cut further back than California did in the past, we are just starting the inevitable now.</p>

<p>Btw, i agree, over time, maybe not the 2010 ranking, but over time, UC’s ranking may drop. I feel the top UCs (B and LA) will do just fine but the lower and perhaps the mids will suffer if they can’t effectively fundraise.</p>

<p>*rc251, is peer assessment really a part of the rankings for USNews? wow! I did not know that. I thought SB would have better results than Davis for that one. *</p>

<p>It’s 25% of the rank and thus the biggest factor. Davis was tied with UCSD in the 2009 rankings so that really boosted it’s ranking. It’s also why Berkeley ranks as high as it does (it would actually be lower if the rankings excluded peer assessment, and many people complain it’s already too low…)</p>

<p>rc251, where are you getting these stats? UCD tied with UCSD in 2009? which rankings are you looking at? im looking at the national universities one, i see davis a little behind SD.</p>

<p>UC Berkeley will drop in the rankings, UCLA will rise, UCI will rise, UCSB and UCD will stay similar, UCSD will stay similar, UCSC will rise… AND WHO CARES ABOUT UCR AND UCM LOL!</p>

<p>* rc251, where are you getting these stats? UCD tied with UCSD in 2009? which rankings are you looking at? im looking at the national universities one, i see davis a little behind SD.*</p>

<p>I’m talking about the peer assessment scores. Here were the peer assessment scores in 2009:</p>

<p>Berkeley: 4.7
Los Angeles: 4.2
San Diego: 3.8
Davis: 3.8
Irvine: 3.5
Santa Barbara: 3.5
Riverside: 3.1
Santa Cruz: 3.1</p>

<p>My point was that if peer assessment was eliminated (as it is very controversial because it is based purely on a survey and not by objective manners, and it’s 25% of the ranking), Berkeley would likely drop to around UCLA’s rank, and Davis would drop below the other two mid tier UCs.</p>


<p>A lot of people do, especially lower income students and minorities who are the majorities at these schools. What’s with the elitism? Can’t you just be happy with the schools you like?</p>


<p>hahahahahahahah really ? what an ignorant comment UCR is ranked higher than UCSC (no offense banana slugs I have respect for u guys) and I extremely doubt it will pass it since UCR has the Med school, the education school, and the school of Public policy coming in the next 3 to 4 years and UCR seems to be one of the UCs to be hit the less in the cuts cause plans for the Med school r still under way . so one more time hahahahahahahahahahaha what a ignorant person hahahahahahahah I bet you have never visited UCR have you ?</p>


<p>WOW your KOooll </p>


<p>rc251, i think should remain as one of the determinants. But i also think it should be lowered to maybe 10%, 25% is A LOT o_O, thanks for the stats.</p>

<p>hey skate 8975 didnt you pick Rside over LA</p>