2012/2013 Decision Thread

<p>Yes. I’ve had a lot of time to think about it and even though I am not fond of Texas, which is what prompted me to look OOS in the first place, there are many benefits to instate. Instate tuition. Family. Friends.
That being said, this doesn’t mean that I am not still interested in CC, it just makes it easier to accept their deferral and possible future rejection.</p>

<p>So I’m curious, what were your block plans on? I wrote about a yoga class that focused on both the spiritual and physical benefits of the practice.</p>

<p>My block plan essay was on somnology, the study of sleep. I talked about how my sister has sleep apnea, I talked about the insomnia I sometimes have, and I talked about how we would take field trips to the Colorado Springs Sleep Center to do research. I honestly wasn’t that proud of my essay, but I guess it was good enough.</p>

<p>my essay was about a course that would study the topography of the area because not only would it be engaging going on trips outdoors with your professor but also since most of the students are out of state it would help them learn the area.</p>

<p>I was accepted! And my scores aren’t even that great…
SAT: 2110
GPA: 3.79 (unweighted)
Five AP Classes: AP Computer Science, AP Environmental Science, AP Comparative Government, AP Calculus AB, AP Art History
Interned for two summers in a research laboratory, co-authored a published paper
Volunteered at a hospital for three years
Tennis for three years
Officer of a school club for two years
Interviewed with an alumni, went alright, nothing great.
I kind of thought my essay was only alright, I tried my best but I’m just not a writer.</p>

<p>My block essay was about the smaller countries that were part of the Soviet Union and looking at the effects of the Cold War on their people and their nations. My idea was that the students would travel to the countries as part of the block and visit sites and the like.</p>

<p>Accepted ED with 27 ACT and 3.78 GPA. Posted this earlier but just in case others wanted to see.
I wrote my block plan essay about “the f-word” and it’s uses and importance in English language and literature…lol.</p>

<p>you have got to be kidding.</p>

<p>Has anyone received their letter yet?</p>

<p>I wrote mine about basically living in a forest for 3.5 weeks and researching the structural, edible, and medicinal properties of native plants by using them to live through my whole block.</p>

<p>Accepted EA! We were supposed to recieve our letters/financial aid packages today, but mine didn’t come. Has anyone else had this problem? Maybe the mail is backed up due to the season. </p>

<p>2130 SAT
4.0 unweighted GPA, 4.879 weighted
Lots of community service.</p>

<p>I wrote my Block Plan essay about “The Evolution and Science of Play,” which examines the history of play and games around the world, as well as it’s scientific effect on our well-being and development.
My “Why CC” was nothing special, but I was very adamant about seeing who I want to be when I speak to CC students.</p>

<p>@getmeouttahere13, that sounds really interesting. I actually did my block essay about slang and language dialects. It was decent (I guess it wasn’t bad enough to get me rejected at least), if any future applicants that see this want to read it.</p>

<p>@trekslxchik Idk if that was directed to me but no, I’m not “kidding”…?
@SgtDonut Thank you! I knew it was a risk but I couldn’t pass up the literary challenge!</p>

<p>sorry getmeouttahere, my comment was re: your essay topic concerning the “f word”! No offense intended! Kudos to you for taking a risk!</p>

<p>[A</a> Plea From the Admissions Office to Go for the ‘Dangerous’ Essay - NYTimes.com](<a href=“http://thechoice.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/12/21/a-plea-from-the-admissions-office-to-go-for-the-dangerous-essay/]A”>A Plea From the Admissions Office to Go for the 'Dangerous' Essay - The New York Times)</p>

<p>I haven’t gotten mine and I live less than 2 hours from campus, so it might take a while.</p>

<p>@trexslxchik no offense taken! I was just confused lol and thank you!</p>

<p>I honestly didn’t think that my supplements were that special, but I believed both the Common App short answer and essay were really good. My English teacher wants to use my short answer as an example for students next year, so I guess it was interesting enough.</p>

<p>If you want to see any of my essays, just tell me which one and send me a message. I’ll be glad to show you what I did.</p>

<p>I know this a little late but I was accepted!! I’ve lurked on here for about a year now and I want to thank everyone for being so helpful. I love reading all the posts on the board. Anyways, Does anyone know if the letter that is coming soon is supposed to included merit and financial aid information or does that come later?</p>

<p>I think it will include at least an estimate on need-based aid. I’m not sure on merit.</p>

<p>Signed up to have a tour/interview at the campus on the 11th! hopefully this will add interest to my deferred application. I really want to get in.</p>