2012/2013 Decision Thread

<p>As people start getting responses from CC, you should list them! Also details like what decision plan, gpa, test scores, ecs, and additional info.</p>

<p>Looks like I posted this pretty early lol. I guess I am just excited! Has anyone called admissions and specifically asked when they are sending out ED and EA results? On the website it says the 22nd but it might be different, you never know.</p>

<p>Anyone else missing your application information on the left side of your page when you log on to your CC page? When DS signs in, he sees his welcome message with his name, so a successful login, but all of the specific application materials list is gone, and the left side is just blank. Think it means something? eek!</p>

<p>All of my stuff is checked off, although one of my letters of rec is showing up as additional info. My second letter of rec is checked off though so I am not too worried. Just called admissions and EA is being sent on the 20th via mail.</p>

<p>I found this under Admission & Aid>Choosing CC>For Counselors</p>

<p>[For</a> Counselors ? Colorado College](<a href=“http://www.coloradocollege.edu/admission/choosingCC/counselors/]For”>For Counselors Overview - Colorado College)</p>

<p>matt2314, you are my hero! That letter explains everything… the application checklist has been removed in preparation for the ED release tomorrow at 5:00pm MST. At lease now we know how long we have to fret.</p>

<p>Thanks so much for the link! Will it actually be posted online though?</p>

<p>Thanks Matt!</p>

<p>I am so nervous for DS. He is an EA applicant.</p>

<p>ACCEPTED !! </p>

<p>best of luck to all y’all</p>

<p>Good luck to all the applicants! It’s an exciting time for you! I have two D’s at Colorado College and they couldn’t be happier. Both feel that they are definitely in the “right” place.</p>

<p>Did you see your decision online? We signed onto base camp, but don’
t see anything…</p>

<p>I just found out I was accepted Early Decision!!!</p>

<p>Yes, when I logged on it was at the top of the page</p>

<p>Matt, was there a section on the base camp for decisions?</p>

<p>Bear in mind only ED was released this evening, EA will be released Thursday December, 20th at 5pm MST </p>

<p>Right at the top of CC Base Camp after login : </p>

<p>Welcome, Matthew - Edit Profile | Change Interest Page | My Events/Interviews | Log out

<pre><code> Congratulations! I am honored to invite you to be a member of the Colorado College Class of 2017. Admission to Colorado College was particularly competitive this year due to a large and talented pool of early applicants. This extraordinary group is incredibly talented and shows great promise for future success.

Your distinctive personal qualities…

Your signed agreement and deposit must be postmarked on or before January 7, 2013. This offer of admission is contingent upon the successful completion of your senior year with grades equal to or better than your current academic record, as well as a personal record of good conduct.

I know the Colorado College campus will be a more vibrant place when you join our community next fall. In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your school year, and take pride in knowing that you have a place at Colorado College!


<p>Mark J. Hatch
Vice President for Enrollment</p>

<p>ACCEPTED ED! </p>

<p>Can’t wait for next fall!</p>

<p>I am EA but I am just wondering, was it clear where the acceptance/rejection was on your CC base camp? I only have 6 more days to wait!</p>

<p>Please post stats!</p>

<p>Also, what are the stats for people accepted early decision? Do they defer at all for EA?</p>

<p>As soon as you open base camp the letter is right there in front of you.</p>

<p>Stats (accepted ED):</p>

<p>SAT 2060 (W-660, CR-660, M-740)
GPA - 4.0 unweighted (4.31 weighted)
APs -
World History
Calc A/B

<p>Interesting facts:
finished jr. high in 1 year
finished sr. high in 3 years
worked for a summer on a working goat farm
marching band 2 1/2 years - bass drum captain one year, tenor drum captain one year
Why CC essay - pretty decent (400 words)
Block plan essay - think this did it for me; planned out the entire course on therapeutic stem cells, including textbook, lectures, field trips, etc. (2100 words)</p>

<p>Good luck everyone.</p>