2012 Tax documents?

<p>While filing the CSS Profile to Pomona via the collegeboard, at the end, it says that 2012 tax document should be sent to Pomona. However, on Pomona's web site, I could not find info about sending 2012 tax document. Anyone know whether 2012 tax document should be sent to Pomona?</p>

<p>This is about 2012, not 2013 tax document, which is required to send to Pomona, once it is ready.</p>

<p>You only have to send in your 2012 taxes if you apply Early Decision 1 or 2. The 2013 tax documents for Regular Decision are due February 15.</p>

<p>^^ Thank you for your reply. I called the office today and was told that if you can send 2013 tax document before 02/25, you do not need to send in the 2012 one.</p>